FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

walk away from your thoughts on economies/qe etc
this is a numbers game...nothing else

I'm relatively new to trading, so my opinion could be rubbish, but I agree risk is still on, the headwinds keep getting stronger but the markets are in denial. To me it's been that way since 09, but I suppose QE, low interest rates, and no returns elsewhere meant money had to go somewhere. The world is sinking in debt, everyone is trying to devalue their currencies, and America is going to raise rates?!

As for Greece, it's like watching a car crash in slow motion, even if a deal is made next week, it's just prolonging the inevitable. Who knows what the catalyst will be to turn these markets and when.

For now I just keep learning and your posts help, so thanks all
Thanks inowongify, I'm still learning as well. No expert and overall still down after several years in SB. Slowly getting there. All about risk management. (y)

Hourly chart for DAX with more detail. PP-S1 holding @ 11045.


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the chart inputs were spot on...that does not happen all the time
it is a process of having many charts open and looking to see which input seems the best fit...its slightly haphazard...but the main thing we are looking for is the breakout signal
so all i am doing for most of the day is just filtering signals on the tick chart
how do we know which chart inputs are right ??
we dont...thats why i refer to "areas"-
so we change inputs regularly as volatility changes during trends and during the day
you must have nimble fingers
so from the chart we can see that 11050 supp was spot on..it is slightly luck because i had 5 charts open with different settings and was looking for signals in a few areas..it turned out that 11050 area gave a breakout signal on the tick chart

I was about to comment on similar point D. I've entered your levels - the green lines. It coincides with the PP levels. That 11050 / 11045 acted as strong support.

Often your, Chronic's and 2be's levels coincide so it all reinforces significant levels. One can add Fib levels too.

Personally, I wait for these PP levels to be approached/hit and then drill down on short TF charts like 15/1mins with RSI above/below 70/30 as areas of high probability to go in or preferred to set limit orders to be hit.

On other stuff like SPX / Oil and Gold place more emphasise on FA and News to get direction bias and trade in that direction. (y)
Just looked at the charts. Pretty predictable trading so far. I love me a bit of pre market and opening trading.

11120 has now become res. can't do a thing atm, at a presentation in the north. Some great fields out here though and nice to be back near where I went uni.
Service PMI numbers moving markets a little.

Good for UK and Italy. Not so for Germany or Spain.

Mixed view for EU. Still can't see any lust to raise rates in UK. We'll follow US. Onwards and forwards.

Retail sales at 10:00 for EU. and then we have the weekend referendum to look forward to... :rolleyes: :whistling
Just looked at the charts. Pretty predictable trading so far. I love me a bit of pre market and opening trading.

11120 has now become res. can't do a thing atm, at a presentation in the north. Some great fields out here though and nice to be back near where I went uni.

Did you go to Leeds? :whistling

Is it raining? :rolleyes:

Is it grim? ;)
Haha I'm actually in the Midlands but everything from London is North haha. Went to Warwick uni. And nope sunny, the weather is beaytiful out here

I thought you might be up in the Yorkshire Dales or someplace when you said North and green fields. :)

If you said Midlands it would have conjured up chimneys with smoke bellowing out.

11080 is becoming good support for a bounce up. (y)
anybody know what time the result of the referendum
yes vote has a marginal lead according to a poll
anybody know what time the result of the referendum
yes vote has a marginal lead according to a poll

Don't know the time but I'm confused about the question...

1. Is for staying in the Euro zone YES 70+%
2. Another is for the bailout austerity NO 50/50

??? :eek:
Eu and iMF have done a great job in convincing the Greek voter this is a vote about staying in the EU / voting on tspiras- it's not. People will be peopl though and will base their votes on the formers. Hope they vote No
CNBC had a report on rich people leaving and money pulled out in anticipation.

Said before 2010 Greek buyers accounted for 0.5% of the London market for properties over 2m.

After crises in 2010 that number quadrupled to 2% of the market according to Knight Frank estate agents.

Also, I reckon US will be impacted.


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Just watched salmon fishing in Yemen. Took good full 4+ hours to watch.

Not exactly a mid-day film but it's helped move my day :cheesy:

Can't wait for the school run. Never thought I'd look forward to it :LOL:

Must cut the grass. It's on turbo feed.

Less we forget about the markets back to testing PP @ 11045. Down elevator, risk on. I'm feeling positive about the referendum with a hint of trepidation. Still holding. Expecting positive outcome but China and bubbles weighing in more than Grexit right now.

Would like SPX to test 2052 - PP-S3 to make my day. (n)

What a wonderful life :)
Not looking good for the DAX.
Breached S1 @ 11043.
Heading to test PP-S2 @ 10977.
I hope 11000 hold. :rolleyes:

Still holding short. Down -110.