10997 was breakout this morning.
10958 area was also sup this morning - this won't probably hold tbh.
All other areas as listed before stay the same. We hit a couple today.
Was particularly happy with 11288 we had marked.
Otherwise, great calls guys. Especially Atilla - pretty much spot on with 11224 and 11300. Always calling great pivot points too
And of course Dentists, always providing great charts.
I've just joined trading view. I'll be quick rescinding my subscription - those guys are nutters. It's pretty much a drawing competition with the way they draw charts!
As I keep saying, we'd be so profitable if we started a hedge fund.
Where are the others?? Radin, Itspossible, Jessie etc??
Mrs Daxy just reeling in all those shorts (fake) for her to rally up again, then tank.