FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

dax coudl go either way


60 min data
2 down trends from 28th may
at horizontal support now
11376 prev supp
what time is greek deadline ??
Buy order set @ 11120 area. Will wait to see if it gets hit. :whistling

I still have short bias. Did take a short off the 11400s today but didn't post it. However, exited way too early. Could have tripled it with hindsight. :(

Small error on my behalf. This morning trade closed for -8 not +8. My maths failing me. Noticed as I was doing eod p&l.

Also, oil dropped nicely off the 60s and gold is a buy anywhere above 70s for me. Behaving much better than the indeces fwiw.

Opec and NFP tomorrow. Should be fun. (y)

Would not be surprised if it hit that number mate. Good level to get it @
I've identified 11360 area, then a short from there. If it gets there. Sorry I don't post charts btw, never have the time to do it!
17868 area we had marked on the dow held well
dunno if it will last
uop to Radins 17950 then scal;p short
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11220 support on 1 min chart - don't hold your breath with it though.

Looks like we'll trade between that and 11280 level. Until we pop one way or another.
Morning/afternoon all, any thoughts on back up from here, or down to 11100 first?

There is a lot of support at 11200 and 11186 for now. If non farm falls short of expectations, expect it to drag the emotionally charged Dax to test the 11100. If it goes there, expect to buy a lot at that level and see it bounce :p
There is a lot of support at 11200 and 11186 for now. If non farm falls short of expectations, expect it to drag the emotionally charged Dax to test the 11100. If it goes there, expect to buy a lot at that level and see it bounce :p


I'd say whenever it's NFP day, market never really stops going in whatever direction is needs to go. i.e a good number - rallies all afternoon. Bad number, then tanks.