FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

+1600??? bloody hell. (y)(y):cool:

Well played :)

I gotta be honest. It didnt come easy though. I started the day hedging both sides of the trade. I had a good day session shorting the Nikkei, When the Dax opened, i was literally placing trade after trade with 3 screens on 3 different platforms. i had 6 margin calls and my IG & CMC brokers are like wth. 22 closed trades 1 out of the money(EurUsd)-20pips.

I hope u guys had success in your trades too. Good luck all. There is still some way to go :rolleyes: Until then, success in your trading and watch the screen for spikes;)
lets see if that holds
chart posted on Tuesday at 2.30pm

into the open
dow has got alot more bearish today
an active downside vertical count
60 min data

I wouldn't touch any supposed support area with a barge pole. I think we're Tanking. Greece is about to implode.
greece tells imf it wont make debt repayment 335 mill
must be the reason for the tank,,day traders paradise
greece tells imf it wont make debt repayment 335 mill
must be the reason for the tank,,day traders paradise

Somehow or rather it would happen. Its not that Greece is not motivated to sign on the deal, these lending banks have ludicrous demands and exhorbitant lending rates with a lot of unwritten clauses which would bite Greece in the long term. If only the bladdy banks arent so greedy but hell..... otherwise, we wouldn't be having a field day for us day/swing traders. ;)
Haha sadly. I was seeing that as easy money. Hopefully the market is stupid enough to rally of the number is good :LOL:

yeah. what a pity... i was looking forward to another predictable day. Had the NFP rally worked, Id have celebrated with my Double Black Johnny :rolleyes:
Buy order set @ 11120 area. Will wait to see if it gets hit. :whistling

I still have short bias. Did take a short off the 11400s today but didn't post it. However, exited way too early. Could have tripled it with hindsight. :(

Small error on my behalf. This morning trade closed for -8 not +8. My maths failing me. Noticed as I was doing eod p&l.

Also, oil dropped nicely off the 60s and gold is a buy anywhere above 70s for me. Behaving much better than the indeces fwiw.

Opec and NFP tomorrow. Should be fun. (y)