FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

Morning chorictrader, MA and everyone....

Gd afternoon everyone in the east(includes me) & Good morning to ALL in the WEST!

Wats eveyone's take on the DAX today? Ive been trading the NIkkei since the open and its been positive. So i feel the DAX would open up
Gd afternoon everyone in the east(includes me) & Good morning to ALL in the WEST!

Wats eveyone's take on the DAX today? Ive been trading the NIkkei since the open and its been positive. So i feel the DAX would open up

Is it time for Barbecue party at ECP bearch already???!
Gd afternoon everyone in the east(includes me) & Good morning to ALL in the WEST!

Wats eveyone's take on the DAX today? Ive been trading the NIkkei since the open and its been positive. So i feel the DAX would open up

Good afternoon, the east, nice to be able to start trading in the afternoon, and trading in underwear is nice too:LOL:
just back to desk... damn busy with the paperwork and visa etc...

might even be in Singapore for couple of day in May....and Hong Kong for a week...
Gd afternoon inowongify! Welcome to the club? Im in my boxers too:cheesy::p

For sure, glad I'm not the only one! Is Singapore worth a trip? shamefully I have been living in E. Asia for several years and hardly travelled

JT, where you heading to in China?
I'd love to go east, when I get a bit more money hopefully.

Go for it! although nowhere is perfect, I'm still glad I came here. As for finances, when I first arrived I only had my savings, and then eventually found a way of eking out a living. For me it was a lifestyle choice.