FTSE 100 - Live trades as part of an exercise

I have had a lot of arm chair critics recently

I encourage everyone if you think you can do it better then please feel free to set up your own thread and dedicate your time and do live calls

otherwise please leave your criticism to yourself ..I am not interested !!

I am more than happy to answer normal questions, but please bear in mind that I am trading full time and need to focus ..........especially this week given my performance !!
From what I've seen of your trades so far I'd be asking for a refund from ' my teacher. ' Not because you are down so far on the week/since your 'experiment' started, but more because the basis of them is niaive. For eg if you put as much effort into getting with the money flow as against it you may ultimately do better.

Making comments as you do on an open thread/forum with an obvious connection to a banned vendor and dubious intent invites critisism/comment - you are niave to think it would not. In any event you invite Lulz at the very least - look at the history of such threads on T2W ! Get real.

Ive just put a short on ftse 5690 stp 5710 target next week 5590. The key resistance points here are 5690 and 5745 we may get to 5745 but I believe as the volume picks up and realise what is yet to happen regarding eurozone this will get back into range. I put todays rise to good worldwide economic data and low volume!
Ive just put a short on ftse 5690 stp 5710 target next week 5590. The key resistance points here are 5690 and 5745 we may get to 5745 but I believe as the volume picks up and realise what is yet to happen regarding eurozone this will get back into range. I put todays rise to good worldwide economic data and low volume!

I agree data has been good , I put more emphasis on the element of a short squeeze

I expect 5700-5750 to be the high of the year and then I expect to go down very hard

ftse < 4000 by end of year
From what I've seen of your trades so far I'd be asking for a refund from ' my teacher. ' Not because you are down so far on the week/since your 'experiment' started, but more because the basis of them is niaive. For eg if you put as much effort into getting with the money flow as against it you may ultimately do better.

Making comments as you do on an open thread/forum with an obvious connection to a banned vendor and dubious intent invites critisism/comment - you are niave to think it would not. In any event you invite Lulz at the very least - look at the history of such threads on T2W ! Get real.


with all due respect, performance is not judged on 2 days trading

A traders is judged over a span of time

I am being clear with entry, exit and stop loss

I am reporting all results honestly and to the best of my ability
A New trader does not achieve perfection immediately

It can take time ........I am just documenting my journey of hopefully being an accomplished trader

If anybody has already achieved that then please feel free to post your live trades here and show us

thank you
I agree...and I said in my post that my critisism was not aimed at the results so far...but the nature of the trades you are placing.

Speaking of results so far though ...On the basis though of say 2% risk/trade which others may use and an average stop loss of 30pips, this represents a loss so far of 13% ish on acc....I'll leave it for others that may want to subscribe to ' your teacher's ' methods whether they could live with this.



with all due respect, performance is not judged on 2 days trading

A traders is judge over a span of time

I am being clear with entry, exit and stop loss

I am reporting al results honestly and to the best of my ability
I agree...and I said in my post that my critisism was not aimed at the results so far...but the nature of the trades you are placing.

Speaking of results so far though ...On the basis though of say 2% risk/trade which others may use and an average stop loss of 30pips, this represents a loss so far of 13% ish on acc....I'll leave it for others that may want to subscribe to ' your teacher's ' methods whether they could live with this.



Thank you , I appreciate your input.

It is only tuesday , we have a long week ahead
I agree data has been good , I put more emphasis on the element of a short squeeze

I expect 5700-5750 to be the high of the year and then I expect to go down very hard

ftse < 4000 by end of year

Also as the markets move in tandem I belive the S&P can and should reach 1300 by end of the week and crude oil 103.25-50 therefore possibly helping the ftse get to that 5745 level or on the other hand the FTSE could be an early indicator the run is running out of steam! Only time will tell which of the 2 happens but I think I will stick with my position as it is!
Unless they too are ultimately selling something, why would they bother ?

Don't you get it -it's a Lulz - fest when you do something like this with a dodgy/concealed motive that is plain for all to see depite your protestations as to your supposed motive.... and deservedly so.

Anyways, let the undoubted entertainment continue...


A New trader does not achieve perfection immediately

It can take time ........I am just documenting my journey of hopefully being an accomplished trader

If anybody has already achieved that then please feel free to post your live trades here and show us

thank you
Also as markets move in tandem I belive the S&P can and should reach 1300 by end of the week and crude oil 103.25-50 therefore possibly helping the ftse get to that 5745 level or on the other hand the FTSE could be an early indicator the run is running out of steam! Only time will tell which of the 2 happens but I think I will stick with my position as it is!

i agree with oil going higher due to geo politics but Sp500 i Have it topping out here @ 1280 - 1290 !!

Hence constantly short today
Unless they too are ultimately selling something, why would they bother ?

Don't you get it -it's a Lulz - fest when you do something like this with a dodgy/concealed motive that is plain for all to see depite your protestations as to your supposed motive.... and deservedly so.

Anyways, let the undoubted entertainment continue...


Keep observing ........

I will ask you about the lulz fest later.