Look - there's about 5 of you on this site with vendorphobia.
Do not try to portray something falsely. A phobia is an irrational fear or hatred of something, based on nothing logical, or prejudice.
The objection to vendorscum does not fall into this category. It is entirely rational and is based upon reason, logic and evidence.
None of you contribute anything positive to the site. None of you discuss trading at all in fact.
This is simply false. The people you refer to (you name some of them in a subsequent post) make many good contributions (in The Hare's case unwillingly 😆) and Pboyles must be the most helpful member of the site by a long way.
They all discuss trading, as do I, albeit not in a way that vendorscum are likely to appreciate.
So - I will continue to post free stuff because most people don't have a stick up their ar$e.
A curious motive, although I don't doubt that you are correct. I have not independently verified it, but it would seem likely that most people do not have a stick in their rectums. It seems an odd reason for doing something, but each to his own.
Let's face some facts mate. You aren't making a cent from trading. You can't trade, you can't show you trade. All you can do is criticise.
Oh Toast, really. The aggressive use of "mate" is beneath you - you are not, after all, a Poopy Slapper. You speak of "facts", but what you offer is speculation. You do not know what you claim to know. I have no desire to "show" that I trade - why on earth would I? As you know full well, the kind of evidence that you seem to be requesting is so easy to fake it is meaningless. Again, you make a false statement - I do much else other than criticise.
So, let us face some actual facts "mate". I am not a vendor, you are. You clearly have some reason for doing it. These are facts. The most likely reason that you do it is the same as most vendors - because you need to. This suggests that it is far more likely that it is you who doesn't "make a cent from trading".
Any customer of mine gets their money back if they don't like it. What guarantee do you give? They get you to recant your whining if it turns out to be bu11shi!t? Your money isn't where your mouth is. Mine is.
What guarantee could I offer? What am I selling? Why should I offer a guarantee, of what and for what? You begin to mislay the plot somewhat.
On the subject of guarantees, you claim to understand business. You will therefore know that guarantees are not a service or a benefit, but a marketing tool. If it is realistically possible to take advantage of them (and most will be termed in such a way as it is not) few people will, especially for a trading-related product. It might be a small amount of money and apathy prevents them. They may be embarrassed. Guarantees are for the most part worthless.
If you, LV, PBoyles, etc. etc. etc. posted the odd live trade, posted anything substantive on the topic -then you'd be in a position to critique. As it is, all you can do is whine.
This is false. All we do is not "whine", just in the same way as you do other things, from time time, than promoting your wares.
Live trades, as I am sure you are aware, are worthless. They are very easy to fake and there are countless example of such on this site. They prove nothing.
ChoccyBiccy at least steps up to the plate - all you guys do is cry about how hard things are, how everyone is out to get you. Well guess what - it's a hard world & you have to separate the crunchy from the smooth.
This once again is false. None of the people you mention here or below cry about how hard it is, nor do they say that people are out to get them. They do point out that there are a lot of dishonest people around posing as successful traders in order to deceive gullible people and take their money. That however is a very different thing.