Target . . . Stop . . . Target . . . Stop . . .


Active member
I was up 65% on my target. Suddenly, I'm down, 20% on my stop loss . . . and I put 20% of my account on the line.

So, it's a pretty smart call to exit right now, right? Get out while I have the chance?

Don't you always hear to "cut your losses short, and let your profits ride?" Such sound, fundamental and succinct advice!

OK, so take my loss - and live to fight another day!

Out of the trade now. Whew . . . all is well. Wow, that really wasn't bad at all. Lost 4%. Barely a scratch. Kinda fun too.

Wait. Well I'll be damned. Look at that son-of-a-waffle turn right back around. I mean, like, the very moment I clicked that button. Like it's watching me, like it's directly playing against me. Little ol' me, not accounting for even a fraction of one percent of the volume that is traded worldwide. Why, Mr. Market!? Why do you want me to lose?

Hang on! I only lost because I overrode the plan! There's still time to get back in! But price is already at a higher price than my previous entry. I'll make 19% less on my target than what I would have made had I just stayed in - not counting the 4% loss I took.

That's OK - I made a decision I felt good about and now I'm going to make yet another decision I feel even better about. Just think of how much better I'll feel when it hits my target, than how I felt about a smart, harmless, 4% loss.

OK! Here we go.

Back in the game.

Not as good as it would have been, but considering what I'm going to make on the target, it's not bad since I'm only a beginner. Who said there wouldn't be important lessons that needed learning?

. . .


Un. Freaking. Believable. You have gotta be kidding me.

Shoulda just mother-freakin' stayed out, taken the mother-freakin' 4% loss, and leave "not-bad" alone. Turned a small loss into what is now a loss I now realize I will not be comfortable with - especially if I let it go to my original stop. Why did I play so many contracts again? At least I could've played half, stillmade a profit, and lessened the potential loss! Christ, get out man. Get out now, with a 24% loss, while you still have your dignity, and something to play with later down the road.


Ouch. Man, that one hurt. Whew . . . but it's OK - that was still the smart thing to do. You could have lost more than that if you stayed it. Just look at that power-bar dangling right there over the precipice of down-we-go. It's the biggest candle on the page! Oh yeah, glad I got out, cause this baby is goin' down.

Yup. You're goin down!

. . . Any moment now.

It's goin' down, I know it is. No doubt. No doubt about it at all. In fact, I'm so sure about it, I'm getting short right now, might be the very bottom, but there's no tellin' how far this can go. Look out below!

I'll just lie back in my char and take a nap and when I wake up, I'll check out my profits, which at this very moment are . . . wait . . . how am I already losing 4%? That power-bar. It's . . . it's RIGHT THERE. Does nobody else see that!? You're not supposed to be going back up!! WHY, Mr. Market? Why do you want me to lose? Why are you playing against me?

I don't believe this!! I just don't believe this, this is unbelievable!!! It's already back at my very first entry point. If I had just stayed in the first time, I wouldn't be losing a single dime right now!

OK. Listen! Get control of yourself. Star all over. It's back at your original entry point. Consider the 24% your recompense for the lessons you've just received. You're starting over, RIGHT NOW. You would be up 3% if you had followed your original plan. It's close enough to the original, and you'll be up a decent penny on what is now your starting, initial account value. OK? Got it. Buy. There. Back in. Play to your original stop, ok? Original stop.

. . .

. . .

Wait - NO. No! No. No, no, no, no. I don't believe this. I don't believe this, because, this has not, as of yet, ceased to be unbelievable.

Ah . . . f*&^% me! 😡
I was up 65% on my target. Suddenly, I'm down, 20% on my stop loss . . . and I put 20% of my account on the line.

Wait - NO. No! No. No, no, no, no. I don't believe this. I don't believe this, because, this has not, as of yet, ceased to be unbelievable.

consider going to a publishing house and write short stories.....20% eh ....the money runs out pretty quickly with 20 percenters.....