Hey there
I was in Vegas last week and got a,taste,of,tourney poker
Can't believe how fast and loose,it was so I pulled out ..........not my bag compared to forex
In truth it's all a grind .......we are in businesses that have some leverage as we increase stakes and capital invested but ultimately we are flawed
As Rockefeller once said
I would rather take 1% of everyone else's income/efforts than 100% of my own
Which kind of leads me into the passive earning capable in building businesses and then leaving them to others to run
Then reinvesting earnings in bonds property and stocks.
That's the secret
Welcome back, N,
Sounds like the long well-deserved vacation/travels deal went well (esp for the Mrs!).
Poker is our game of choice amongst the options traders I work with. So many facets to the game itself (Omaha, Hold'em, etc). And also constant flow of information and emotions and personalities/energies from the other players - that often will impact our playing/betting decisions (not necessarily for the better). Definitely much more than just pot odds, implied odds! :whistlingnnI just love poker!
👍 The outcomes are truly "random" and bankrolls tend to be very "volatile" during gaming sessions.
I enjoyed your statement especially on passive wealth building.
Most retail traders and many institutional traders - both alike - never really learn and comprehend how to make the transition from active trading for income (time for money) to passive trading income. There are many ways to make a successful transition into a much more passive trading income basis to free up your time and focus!
But still - the #1 metric = is that trader consistently profitable daily or weekly or monthly? Can the trader exploit bursts of volatility and momentum to ratchet up profits? Can the trader learn to lock up profits? Establish free trades (zero cost basis)?
What can we do to increase passive trading income - or to free up some time away from the trading screens (at least away from the time and emotionally consuming tasks of stalking and waiting for setups to appear, fail, appear, fail...)?
(1) Establish that you can trade profitably - every day or every week/month! If not there yet - RAISE your focus, Standards - seek out more to get there.
(2) For passive trading income ideas - consider selling puts, covered calls, etc. For my weekly options trades, I like to use diagonal spreads - often it becomes profitable quickly and if not, selling front week options help to recoup my Cost Basis. Then the remainder position is "free" and has a shot at making profits.
(3) Use automated technologies to Alert you to valid setups.
(4) Use automated technologies to Alert you to actual Trading execution pending.
(5) Use contract traders to follow your Trading Plan Checklist and execute 100% w/o errors (for larger accounts). Of course, you must audit daily/weekly trader performance. And trader has zero funds-withdrawal power. And trader has limited bet-exposure criteria that is arranged/built-in with the brokerage firm.
Again - just some basic ideas to help traders gain some time/freedom away from the screens and help make trading into a closer form towards passive wealth building! Of course, other passive wealth methods include real estate income properties (but has its own share of headaches, risks), internet businesses, private mortgages, tax-liens/deeds, etc.
I have a small % set aside for active trading, a larger % held for options-based passive income, and final % of funds held in assets outside of the trading/paper asset class.
T2W members - if you have NOT really thought about passive income and wealth building, please understand = these processes are very different than trading itself. A couple of helpful resources:
(1) Google "T Harv Eker" - Millionaire Mindset approach. Simple, direct, entertaining.
(2) Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad/Poor Dad, Cashflow Quadrants, etc. Practical stuff.
(3) Patrick Stockhausen - on trading systems, psychology, wealth building. Uses very modern graphics/technologies to educate clients. Entertaining, accurate!
In closing - get going on both formulas for sustained wealth, financial freedom: (4) Consistent, systematic profitable trading.
(5) Build up different "piggy banks" or "golden eggs" of passive income vehicles!
Never too late to start this discovery to generate passive income ... :smart:
Good luck - and really enjoy and focus and visualize on this journey!