Free signals on majors -by stormygold

stormygolds said:

Thank you for your message

the downtrend still intact , my short term target arround 1.19~ ..

midterm target below 1.18

and im starting to see signs that we may reach parity this year : 1$ = 1EUR .. who agree ;) ?

i will post chart later this week inshallah :) .

Regards .

Long-midterm Charting Analysis


  • stormyforex-eur-usd-18-6-05.gif
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When everyone expects a certain price action, the opposite happens!

I still rememeber, lot of so called "gurus" calling for Euro at 1.40, and GBP at 2.15

Stupid Gurus!

peter44 said:
Hi stormygolds,

Great thread.

I would just like to agree, I think the Eur/Usd will weaken substantially over the next six months or so.

The GBP Collapse , plz check our previous charts


  • stormyforex-gbpusdcollapse.gif
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EUR/GBP Otlook for the other GBP pairs


  • stormyforex-gbpcollapse292005.gif
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USD/CHF Correction into the lng term uptrend


  • stormyforex-usdchf04082005.gif
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Hi stormygolds

Now i see a top in eur-usd at 1.24.. i think now we can see a fall , a resume of eur-usd bearish sentiment to 1.16.. level . How do u see it? or we are going to reach 1.19.. and resume a heding up ?

My best regards, bangbang ;)
Bangbang said:
Now i see a top in eur-usd at 1.24.. i think now we can see a fall , a resume of eur-usd bearish sentiment to 1.16.. level . How do u see it? or we are going to reach 1.19.. and resume a heding up ?

My best regards, bangbang ;)

Indeed the Eur is failing to breach the 1.24 mark , this is maybe a signal to go short targeting 1.22 short term , 1.18 midterm , 1.1 longterm

Regards .

I am agree with you, now looking to the chart i see the very first selling bottom at 1.22..

Thank you very much, this confirm in a way my view.