Formal apology.

Since you thought it appropriate to state your opinion on my thread,

It's not your thread.

At a push, you could perhaps lay claim to partial 'ownership' or editorial rights of a thread on the Journals section of this forum.
By it's very definition and location with the Foyer section, this thread is public and open to comment from ALL T2W members.
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1. Jemima is a stupid, silly name... Seriously, if its your real name thats... Well, basically your parents must hate you.
This is totally unwarranted personal abuse. If you have even a modicum of moral rectitude, I suggest an apology would be appropriate.

Plus, you just make yourself look very silly.

2. Genics and New_trader know a lot about trading,

Genics, yes absolutely.

The other fruit cake mentioned is one of the worst, ignorant, ill-informed and frightened "traders" I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.
I wouldn't trust him to get things right if I gave him a few bob to pop out for a cup of tea.
That would be "mes comments", you uneducated illiterate retard.

Grow up.
What age are you hanging around forums calling people names?

I mean seriously... You just wrote 5 comments which for the most part, insulted certain members on a forum.
I'm not even trying to be offensive, i'm really interested to know your age... I think its a possibility your acting highly immature. But i'm not sure what age you are.
Grow up.
What age are you hanging around forums calling people names?

I mean seriously... You just wrote 5 comments which for the most part, insulted certain members on a forum.
I'm not even trying to be offensive, i'm really interested to know your age... I think its a possibility your acting highly immature. But i'm not sure what age you are.

no, I insulted new trader (which doesn't count cos he"s a knob)

elsewhere I had asked someone to use spell-check after they had already been a smart-alec in the first place and had tried to offend someone else regarding Word etc.

in other posts, I had asked you to apologise for being abusive to a third person about their name for Heaven's sake

I then pointed out your grammatical error in the French language.
The use of the word "retard" was obvious, to anyone with the slightest degree of education and intelligence, an ironic reference to it's use in an earlier post

I also pointed out a general reminder that threads in the public domain are not 'owned' by OPs

Can't see many insults there, certainly none to warrant your abusive reply accusing me of being immature. bye bye, you're off to the ignore list.

But as a final postscript, I have to say, this has probably been the worst thread I have ever read on T2W, so bad that it's comical and has certainly kept me amused
😆 😆 😆

I suggest that you follow your own advice and utilise the spell-check function in MSWord


I am glad there is at least one person on this site who is intelligent and sharp enough to see and understand my subtle sense of humer.
