I have noticed the past few weeks that my settings are a bit too optimistic, I'm gettings alot more BE+5 instead of reaching the 30 pip TP, thus we are wasting some good pips because the market is falling back before getting to my TP setting. Therefore starting this week I am changing my settings to a less aggressive level to try to capture at least 20 pips and reduce my TP and SL settings, but this will not allow enough room to include a BE+ setting as before.
My new settings are now SL=25, TP=22, BE=12.
Also I am adding a new start time, 13:00 NY., this looks to have some potential, using the same settings as above.
So far this week , my results with new settings and new start time : (25-22-12-0)
7:00 NY , 1 TP, 0 SL, 1 BE, = 22 pips
8:30 NY, 0 TP, 0 SL, 1 BE, 1 NT, = 0 pips
13:00 NY, 2 TP, 0 SL, = 44 pips
total this week, so far, +66 pips.
hopefully we will capture more TPs with these settings scaled down a little for todays market.
cheers ! 🙂