ForexMorningTrade System

FMT this morning : (45-35-18-0)

very strange results today, with one broker I had TP on both start times, on another broker I had both start times BE. Same settings with each broker, and feed looks identical but I don't know the spreads at time of trading.

cheers !

Oh dear thats a swizz. A lot of folks got stopped out early on this trade. And think of the fortune we could have made in the last 7 hours or so by selling the £ short!!!!!

Better luck is on its way
Stats for 06-22-2011

Live Accounts:

FMT 4.3, 6:15 UK Time, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP

Demo Accounts:

FMT 4.3, 6:15 UK Time, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP
PFG Best......, No Trade....., 0.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +231.2
FXCM.........., No Trade....., 0.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +200.6
Alpari(US)...., No Trade....., 0.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +204.7
FXDD.........., No Trade....., 0.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +211.0
MB Trading...., No Trade....., 0.0, Stats since 06-21-2011: Total= -45.2
Stats for 06-23-2011

Live Accounts:

FMT 4.3, 6:15 UK Time, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP

Demo Accounts:

FMT 4.3, 6:15 UK Time, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP
PFG Best......, Break Even....., +5.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +236.2
FXCM......., Break Even....., +5.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +205.6
Alpari(US)...., Break Even....., +5.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +209.7
FXDD.........., Break Even....., +5.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +216.0
MB Trading...., Break Even....., +4.6, Stats since 06-21-2011: Total= -40.6
Last edited:
FMT this morning : (45-35-18-0)

very strange results today, with one broker I had TP on both start times, on another broker I had both start times BE. Same settings with each broker, and feed looks identical but I don't know the spreads at time of trading.

cheers !

The harsh reality is, you can have the exact settings even on the same broker and user 1 can get a BE while user 2 have a TP. My friend uses the same broker as I do and we can get very different results sometimes especially when the indicators are very close to a no-trade.
Why is this??? I believe it it because the price feeds are coming in as different rates. I've even seen it different with my two live accounts on the same broker and same computer. Crazy, I know. 🙄 Yes, and spreads from different brokers can play a factor as well.
I had to close my notebook for a few hours and maybe it saved my TS from being hit ...

Fast FMT: +10

FMT: +35

EFMT: +38

Total: -20, -102, -125
The harsh reality is, you can have the exact settings even on the same broker and user 1 can get a BE while user 2 have a TP. My friend uses the same broker as I do and we can get very different results sometimes especially when the indicators are very close to a no-trade.
Why is this??? I believe it it because the price feeds are coming in as different rates. I've even seen it different with my two live accounts on the same broker and same computer. Crazy, I know. 🙄 Yes, and spreads from different brokers can play a factor as well.

Agreed, speed of the feed to different nodes, internet connection speed and congestion, your own local intranet speed if you have your own LAN, activity on the local machine [how many EAs are running, browser windows, anti-virus activity, etc.], these are all unknown variables that will influence an individual MT4 process response, especially in a fast moving market. Over an extended period it should all balance out, except of course if the broker is fiddling it, which is why I use Oanda 😀
Goodbye guys! turning this piece of sh*t off. oh and all other robots.. manual trading my own strategy the only way to go.

peace out.
Goodbye guys! turning this piece of sh*t off. oh and all other robots.. manual trading my own strategy the only way to go.

peace out.

I am taking a breather myself - will be visiting this forum from time to time. The recent results have not been very encouraging - I agree.

I bought FMT - with the idea of supplementing my income - I preferred a robot, as I don't have much time for staying glued to the monitors.

It appears that I have to find an alternative - and may end up trading the daily bars. I heard in this forum that Lindencourt system is a viable option. I will check it out.

I am curious to hear how your manual system is working for you - you did say that it's your 'own system' - care to highlight some of the features? have you found it to be reliable and consistent? (as far as generating a decent stream of income)?

Hope it all works out for you and appreciate any comments from you regarding your manual methods.

Good luck.
Setting FMT to scalper mode to ride things out for awhile. Turning on MM to let it compound the scalp. Got TP+10 last night. Not giving up yet.
Setting FMT to scalper mode to ride things out for awhile. Turning on MM to let it compound the scalp. Got TP+10 last night. Not giving up yet.
JOHNCO - I am assuming that you are talking about 10/40 settings.. Glad it's working out for you.