ForexMorningTrade System

In my careful analysis, anything up to 34.6 (!) on a short taken at 06:15 hit TP, anyone with BE @ 0 also got eliminated from the trade around 08:30

That's with my broker at 2.0 spread, and some people around the extremes might have just had a lucky day, but this shows (as per work done daily by Red Guerrilla) just how susceptible this business is to very minor differences in opening prices, spreads, and slippage. You'd think these differences evened themselves out over a long period of time, but do they?
I trade this manually so entry point is a bit variable, does the EA give and actual entry point, if so what was it this morning.
Results for rolling 12 months (9 of which are forward tested, 3 are back tested) for various settings I watch:

28/40 1480
The then applicable FMT : +1450
FMT2 1380
FMT1 1360
Deserteagle 1360
10/40 1130
20/40 880


However if you exclude the couple weeks over Christmas and New Year when those of us in-the-know decided to stay away significant losses were avoided. For doing that it makes quite a difference to the league table.

Deserteagle 1794
the applying FMT set 1700
28/40 1660
FMT2 1630
FMT1 1560
10/40 1130
20/40 1100
I trade this manually so entry point is a bit variable, does the EA give and actual entry point, if so what was it this morning.

If you enter manually, the entry point will be given on your screen until the 6:15 candle closes. Obviously you have to add the spread for longs
This kind of trades get really into my nerves. One thing is to have a SL, or a BE. The bitter taste of being 1 pip away from TP and then end up with 5 pips it's just too much.

Well Still keeping myself disciplined :smart: playing by the book.
TP hit +38

AGAIN this was because of the news not the trend. Getting v.lucky with news lately.

FMT Account: £865 (-13.5%)

Missed TP by a pip or 2, now it looks like it is going back to BE! (maybe not LOL 🙂)
Dam spread!!! Maybe time to look for another broker with a smaller spread.


Same here. But I bet that FRIC will have a 'winner' 😉
Results for rolling 12 months (9 of which are forward tested, 3 are back tested) for various settings I watch:

28/40 1480
The then applicable FMT : +1450
FMT2 1380
FMT1 1360
Deserteagle 1360
10/40 1130
20/40 880


However if you exclude the couple weeks over Christmas and New Year when those of us in-the-know decided to stay away significant losses were avoided. For doing that it makes quite a difference to the league table.

Deserteagle 1794
the applying FMT set 1700
28/40 1660
FMT2 1630
FMT1 1560
10/40 1130
20/40 1100

Wiseambitions, what is the setting for Deserteagle? And the applying FMT is 45/35/25? And what about FMT2 FMT1?

Thanks a lot!🙂
Same here. But I bet that FRIC will have a 'winner' 😉

On SLM the trade went 35.9 pips into profit before retracing, that's with a 2 pip spread. So 35 pip target was most definitely hit.
Can't remember what broker Marc uses, but many traders would have banked full profits today. Anyone who didn't, well that's down to the broker that you use.
SLM has received a lot of flak in recent weeks, but today this broker gave FMT traders a winner
Same here. But I bet that FRIC will have a 'winner' 😉

OK, verify his claims by reference to the bulletin Red Guerrilla puts up, (I have never found him to make a false claim) and by all means why not use PFG Best as your broker too? They seem to be lucky people to know.

I'll attribute today's success to the system, seeing as the FMT indicators never crossed the wrong way at end of any candle prior to the major price drop. But admittedly there were other indicators at 06:15 which pointed the other way. UK news of course sunk the pound later.

The euro is having a worse day
FMT for me this morning:

6:15 start, short signal, hit BE +5 pips (45-35-25-5)
6:30 start, short signal, hit TP +35 pips (45-35-25-5)
6:45 start, short signal, hit TP +25 pips (35-25-15-0)
7:15 start, short signal, hit TP +25 pips (35-25-15-0)

total today +90 pips.

weekly total -25 pips .
My trading Laptop got a virus last Thursday, so while I have been waiting for it to get fixed, I have been investigating other Forex systems and just trying to filter what is real and what is not...and I am starting to feel like I am in the Matrix. Answer me these questions:

1) Why are the ALL of Forex strategy webpages 1 page and a mile long?

2) Why do these webpages ALL vary the font and colors from paragraph to paragraph?

3) Why do they ALL have the same stupid "CD-ROM leaning against a Box" picture?

4) Why, why, why are they ALL THE SAME?

Google any industry in the world and look at 10 different web sites...they will all be incredibly different. It is becoming increasingly obvious that all FOREX systems are created by the same company or group of individuals, and, they are not trying to hide that part very well.

And, inspite of what I want to believe, I have to think that a) "Marc Fric" is not a real person, and B) FMT is just another product from this FOREX gorilla.

I can't be the only person that wonders, right?

It's also interesting that all the marketing emails look the same as well where they have a very long and thin text with every few sentences a link to their site. I don't even read that crazy email. If I'm interested I just find the link and click. I mostly just see what the latest garbage they have out for the day and delete after I see the site.

Interesting enough though, I don't block these emails because every so often there may be one like FMT that actually works. 🙄
The day started quite nice but at the end the results are not that good...

Fast FMT: +10

FMT: +2

EFMT: -38

Total: Fast FMT -80, FMT -38, EFMT -69

I do not understand all of this, could you explain a bit further for a novice? Appreciate it. Thanks, Motneen
EA went short on Oanda @ 1.6171.

Anyone know how to get rid of those damn nuisance pipettes? I can't find a setting to take it back to 4 decimal places.
Morning All,

Short FXDD, Live EA


Jabu- As far as i know you will need to contact your broker and they will (if they offer 4 decimal point trading) change it for you.