ForexMorningTrade System

Hi. Did you open the lengthy email from Mark Fric he sent sometime around the 18th April to all the members on his list discussing revised settings and trading times :?:

The only contact I have had with Mr Fric is on this thread. No disrespect to the many system buyers out there, but I write and research all my systems from scratch and have a kind of snobbishness about buying systems, so I never bought FMT or received any documentation on it.

I discovered FMT after noticing the exceptional amount of posts made on this thread, which aroused my curiosity. After looking into the system to discover what you were all doing here, I learnt from a forex trader friend about the variations on this theme that are 'out there' and spent a few hours playing around. I was amazed by the backtesting results on GBP/USD.

If I thought I had taken Mark Fric's idea, I would pay him for it, but unless he put this system together a long time back, then I don't believe it's his idea. (In the same way, I don't have any MP3s I don't own the CD for). He's good at backtesting and put a good sales package together - not that there's anything wrong with that - but I feel I owe more of a debt to all the participants on this thread for the continual stream of chat that enboldened me to start trading just the one market (GBP/USD) - I actually backtested all currency pairs but didn't like the aggregate result. I normally feel it's unsafe to trade a system on just one market.
mike1booth commented last week about how quiet this forum is getting - however once FMT has had a few wins the posts start to flow back in.

This prompts the thought - how many of us are trading live?

Someone ran a few polls some weeks ago, can't remember who, and I wonder if he could run another one to establish the percentage of site users trading live, trading demo and just observers?
Afternoon everyone just thought i would let you all know that i think is a great thread with some really great contributars to this forum and this is my first foray into forex although i have been playing with different free systems and ideas for a while and yes i trade on a live account it is an easy enough system to follow however it is easy to start trying to second guess what mr market will do next and i find myself meddling with the best settings but i think the best thing to to is find the settings that one is happy with and just stick with them the system has proven itself to be in my oppinion a winner over the long run so just stick with it and in the end we will make money thats it simple really, why make it complicated that is my oppinion anyway for what its worth . All the best again for everyone making this thread what it is.
The only contact I have had with Mr Fric is on this thread. No disrespect to the many system buyers out there, but I write and research all my systems from scratch and have a kind of snobbishness about buying systems, so I never bought FMT or received any documentation on it.

I discovered FMT after noticing the exceptional amount of posts made on this thread, which aroused my curiosity. After looking into the system to discover what you were all doing here, I learnt from a forex trader friend about the variations on this theme that are 'out there' and spent a few hours playing around. I was amazed by the backtesting results on GBP/USD.

If I thought I had taken Mark Fric's idea, I would pay him for it, but unless he put this system together a long time back, then I don't believe it's his idea. (In the same way, I don't have any MP3s I don't own the CD for). He's good at backtesting and put a good sales package together - not that there's anything wrong with that - but I feel I owe more of a debt to all the participants on this thread for the continual stream of chat that enboldened me to start trading just the one market (GBP/USD) - I actually backtested all currency pairs but didn't like the aggregate result. I normally feel it's unsafe to trade a system on just one market.

Adamus, I have seen you elsewhere. If you are a seasoned trader, you already know that consistency is the key. Sure, there's been a bad run, BUT thats where your personal trade plan comes in. Reduce risk etc. Currency pairs? The only recommended pair is GBPUSD, why complicate the issue? It never seems to work on other pairs consistently...why re-invent the wheel? I cannot see his sales page as the normal pushy type, I feel he is a guy with integrity... sure you can pick up the indicators from anywhere, but finding settings that work??? OK, there are filters , and perhaps, you could help improve them.
Also, you are a person with some experience, perhaps you could suggest a way to diversify? (Which is a recurring theme here.)

PS - its always good to hear from a seasoned participant!

Warm Regards, Chris
........ No disrespect to the many system buyers out there, but I write and research all my systems from scratch and have a kind of snobbishness about buying systems, so I never bought FMT or received any documentation on it.

Such Pompousness!!! 👎
mike1booth commented last week about how quiet this forum is getting - however once FMT has had a few wins the posts start to flow back in.

This prompts the thought - how many of us are trading live?

Someone ran a few polls some weeks ago, can't remember who, and I wonder if he could run another one to establish the percentage of site users trading live, trading demo and just observers?

That'll be Podberry's area of expertise!
Alpari(US) Short 6:15 and I am liking it!
Thick KUMO cloud resistance

I admire anyone who can make sense of the cloud and the Ichimoku system because it looks quite complicated to me

short on Alpari UK and FXDD too.
It does not look like the ambiguous set of signals we saw this time last week

good luck guys
I admire anyone who can make sense of the cloud and the Ichimoku system because it looks quite complicated to me

short on Alpari UK and FXDD too.
It does not look like the ambiguous set of signals we saw this time last week

good luck guys

Actually its not that hard. I like it

Try this for a short overview. Follow the videos 1,2,3...
takes about 20 minutes. examples and charts. But you know what they say, 10000 hours....
Strong support at 1.6225 though. Look back on the daily, and see the amount of tails stopping in that region. If it breaks it should be a positive trade. (If it holds, who knows?)

Here you go lumbco

Poll: How are you trading FMT ?
Live Account
Demo Account
Just an observer


[sup]Als create a poll? Click here[/sup]
A lot of bank holiday in Europe today, France, Germany, Switzerland. No wonder price is not moving much at the moment. Hopefully London open will jump-start this engine.