ForexMorningTrade System

Chris i can only speak for myself but I have evolved over the years and I think that it must be what most of us do that stay in the markets? I bought systems and although they all eventually failed i learnt about the indicators and the markets in the process.

Now I don't rely on any single system alone. I currently run 4 strategies but I cross over the indicators for one strategy to the others. When two strategies concur i feel more confident. This has resulted in my having a general market awareness which I realise is contrary to all the mantras of applying the EA rules religiously but it works for me. My advise is to explore other systems, there are lots of free ones (don't see 'expensive' as good and free as bad. Cost has more to do with greed than the quality of the strategy!) and use the experience you gain from it. I have found that the freedom it has given me is liberating as I feel more in control of the trades and my emotions.

I like Lindencourt FX Daily and Pouria, trend breakouts and i also trade news but that is a bit hairy! None of them stand up to solid backtesting the way that FMT has until now but they are good platforms from which to build successful trades and an understanding of the markets.

Above all MM and backtesting are key. I believe that you learn more about a strategy from manual backtesting it than you do from the results of automatic backtesting. Old fashioned I know but thats how I see it. Lets all pray for more FMT success but Good Luck in all that you explore. Chris

Thanks for the feedback shoot2scoot I will also check out Pouria, good luck in your trading.

KInd regards,

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My opinion is that the Euro is about to get hammered.........believe it or not and take it for what it is worth, but I am short Euro across the board
Oanda EA has gone short. Good luck all!

Indeed, but interestingly, TMT did not trade, possibly the ADR?

From other indis on the chart, I would say that it is a NT, but that is breaking pur eFMT rules!

Slapped wrists, rule broken!

Good luck if you are in a short trade.
I have been following FMT for a while now and I have at last purchased FMT last night, but have yet to set up the indicators on Metatrader 4. I will probably use IG Index for the actual trades.
We've just hit three areas of resistance. If it doesn't turn here i think that that's our best (not only) chance of a reversal. If this bar (08.15 MT4) doesn't close below 1.64320 i will be looking for a bailout position.
We've just hit three areas of resistance. If it doesn't turn here i think that that's our best (not only) chance of a reversal. If this bar (08.15 MT4) doesn't close below 1.64320 i will be looking for a bailout position.

I think that is a lot of BS, because you don't know where this is heading..................
Here's the resistance:


  • cable resistance.gif
    cable resistance.gif
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Here's the resistance:

You are correct, but not for this short term chart,,,,,,,,,,,,,,This chart is good for the short term, but if you look at the long tern, then the GBP will go down a lot against the USD...............

Good Trading,
You are correct, but not for this short term chart,,,,,,,,,,,,,,This chart is good for the short term, but if you look at the long tern, then the GBP will go down a lot against the USD...............

Good Trading,

I'm not sure I agree with you JahDave. Here's a screen shot of the daily and it's showing a lot of support at this level, including daily, weekly and monthly pivots just under current price. This really could go either way short term and long term - pure gamble this morning.


  • GBPUSDSB,Daily]2011-06-08_08-01-48.png
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I watched that video of Jack Schwager yesterday wiseambitions. Very good, and very entertaining. I particularly liked the story of the fundamentalists opinion that the knife would go back up again 😆
HI What the heck just happened
massive move down hit profit just like that never seen anything loke that before