Great week man! I've had my FMT off for a few weeks but will turn it on again tomorrow 👍
i don't belive in e.a they only make you some money a couple of month, and then that's it...all become loser
Great week man! I've had my FMT off for a few weeks but will turn it on again tomorrow 👍
i don't belive in e.a they only make you some money a couple of month, and then that's it...all become loser
Hello this week there were some people asking for sets, here I left a comparison sheet I keep every week with some sets.
Hello this week there were some people asking for sets, here I left a comparison sheet I keep every week with some sets.
Hi all, just a question... I trade this system manually, yet to set the ea up on a vps. A couple of weeks back I got stung with the long filter rule. Mark classed it as a no trade whereas I traded the system and made a loss. Can anyone tell me how to apply the long filter rule manually? I.e, how long (pips) does the previous candle need to be before it's classed as a no trade? I've had a look at the manual but can't see any guidance around it. I see that the ea has this setting but don't know how to apply it manually. I only bought the system recently, I am hoping some of the longer standing owners can provide some advice.
Many thanks
Hi all, just a question... I trade this system manually, yet to set the ea up on a vps. A couple of weeks back I got stung with the long filter rule. Mark classed it as a no trade whereas I traded the system and made a loss. Can anyone tell me how to apply the long filter rule manually? I.e, how long (pips) does the previous candle need to be before it's classed as a no trade? I've had a look at the manual but can't see any guidance around it. I see that the ea has this setting but don't know how to apply it manually. I only bought the system recently, I am hoping some of the longer standing owners can provide some advice.
Many thanks
Mesh, why not use the EA automatically like most of us do, problem solved 🙂
👍. Will do, need to pull out some time and pick a provider for a vps server. Migth be forced into it earlier if i cannot work out how to manually apply this long candle filter🙂
guys, if you still get this, I have developed my own with great success, feel free to check out the performance and if you like what you see subscribe and start seeing some gains
All brokers and computers are slightly different so there will be those days where some had a trade and others have no trades. You can even have 5 accounts with the same broker and have 5 platforms open trading these accounts and out of five, some will trade while others may not or all will trade but have slightly different end times. Don't ask me why as I haven't seen a good answer yet except the traditional "price feed variation". 🙄
Yes, it's a bit frustrating but that's how it goes with Live trading.
Why can't live trading have the same smooth price feeds and quick order fills as demo accounts? That would make all our lives much happier. 😆
Hello this week there were some people asking for sets, here I left a comparison sheet I keep every week with some sets.
DannyAce, If you want to advertise you do it at the top of the page and it's not free.
He's been reported Chris, including his other posts.
Deserteagle, very impressive work, thanks.
When I compare the results at the different days, the conclusion should be "don't trade on Wednesday".
Here the comparison for Desert 651 I (data in pips)
Mo: 53
Tu: 200
We: -170
Th: 471
Fr: 134
One question concerning the setting:
38SL 38TP 27BE 5ADD
What do you mean with 5ADD ? Do you mean "5 Break even Add Pips"
Second question concerning the data:
Pip data is clear.
What is the difference between Profit detail I and II ?
Third question concerning the time period:
Are all week No identical, meaning that you compare the same time period? Or are these different times? It seems that you started all in second week of 2011, correct?
Thanks for clarification and again for the superb comparisons.👍