ForexMorningTrade System

shoot2scoot and other SLM traders, I have sent through a review over 8 days ago and a follow up mail to Forexpeacearmy, but as of today nothing has been posted. I suggest someone else places a review regarding SLM to speed things up, maybe someone that cloned my hotmail address a year ago has been using it and now the mails are rejecting at Forexpeacearmy. 🙄

Thanks Pod, I will do that. I traded IG this morning using Alpari charts (short). Very calming, shame about the initial move but am relaxed about the technical signals for this morning.
Thanks Pod, I will do that. I traded IG this morning using Alpari charts (short). Very calming, shame about the initial move but am relaxed about the technical signals for this morning.

Are you still feeling relaxed? This one doesn't seem to be going our way, 2 hours into the trade. We were sucked into the market at a low point at usual start time, and it hasn't even offered 10tp let alone better. I suppose we just have to hold tight, Good luck guys
Are you still feeling relaxed? This one doesn't seem to be going our way, 2 hours into the trade. We were sucked into the market at a low point at usual start time, and it hasn't even offered 10tp let alone better. I suppose we just have to hold tight, Good luck guys

No, i hoped that the 1 hour 20 SMA would hold us. It's lookes a lot less likely now!
Euro, that seems a little early? I haven't touched -38 yet. Did you get a slow entry?

6-15 on Alpari = 1.61716 out on SL @ 1.62116

the 6-30 scalp play is still in by the skin of its teeth, entry at 1.61735

Have to admit it is beginning to hurt!
Surely there is a 50/50 chance at least , that we will take profit. hasn't been 50/50 for the past couple of weeks !
Talk about playing and toying with our emotions!!! One of them Rollercoaster Trades we having today.
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Seems Oanda will be saving your bacon!!!

Yeah, I also have Alpari, Thinkforex, IAMFX, SLM open on a Monday, if all of them show a sell and Oanda a no trade, then I stay out. I only do this on Mondays as the indicators are all aligned by Tuesday.:smart:
Hurr another loss -45 , might be time to shelve this system as since December this has been less than stellar
06:15 Entries (Live)
45/35/25/5 --- Alpari UK -45 pips
40/30/25/5 --- Think FX -40 pips

06:30 (Live)
40/10 -- SLM Manual entry -40 pips (Serious drawdown on this account in last couple of weeks).
The risk return on this is now worse making SL -45 pips. I have stuck with 40 pips i dont see how an extra 5 pips will do much difference. Also dubious on the creator changing the time to 6:15am. It signified a loss of faith in his own system.
Not the right start to a new week.
Deserteagle (65sl) will be the only hanger-in by 9.30am

Results of the last 50 trades

40/40 plus 320
35/40/BE@20 +235
10/40 +100
28/40 +312

Of the last 10 trades, results of various sets which FMT have recommended
1) 40/40 no BE -160
2) 35/40/BE@20 -170
3) 35/45/BE+5@25 -190
Unusually the original setting is doing less badly

Better luck soon