i have been trading fmt since 9/14/10. My account gain has been as high as 88% gain while risking 4%. My current balance is a 64% gain so i have had 14% drawdown using 4% risk per trade. Still performing ok. But as you said i will keep my eye on it. My results are on a live account which inlcudes missed trades because of interent being down and i manually change the 4% risk per trade as the account increases so there are times i am risking just more than or less than 4% per trade.
88 - 64 = 24% dd 🙂
Hi I have just posted over on TMT thread re an issue I had today any advice would be appreciated:]
Chris, double check your EA settings re hidden and real stop loss settings, just in case there is a mistake there.
Otherwise its a mystery.
Hi I have just posted over on TMT thread re an issue I had today any advice would be appreciated:
I hit my SL at 22 pips instead of 45 due to the trade being modified I spoke to Alpari UK and here is their response:
Hi Chris;
I've not had this problem yet, but have only been using TMT for a few days. I have stealth set to false
Hi I have just posted over on TMT thread re an issue I had today any advice would be appreciated:]
Chris, double check your EA settings re hidden and real stop loss settings, just in case there is a mistake there.
Otherwise its a mystery.
yep all settings are correct and stealth mode is set to false
I have to say Alpari UK have been prompt and courteous so far and are still investigating this for me
Wonderful parting shot by SLM. I tried to close out my last ever trade with them during that last spike down and I could not close the trade. I pressed about ten times, while the price was static at it's low. Then the price shot up and hey presto the trade closes higher losing me some extra 6-8 pips.
I get the last laugh as I hope to be trading well after SLM go under for lack of customers.
Good luck everyone, I just needed to get away and was looking for an exit.
yep all settings are correct and stealth mode is set to false
I have to say Alpari UK have been prompt and courteous so far and are still investigating this for me
Check ExitAtOppositeSignal setting?
yep all settings are correct and stealth mode is set to false
I have to say Alpari UK have been prompt and courteous so far and are still investigating this for me
Alpari are saying it the EA - so my next step is to contact Mark Fric
I will update as I progress
Check ExitAtOppositeSignal setting?
that one is set to false
Unlucky Friday 13th for FMT traders
This is the ugliest patch I think the system will have been through even in the 2 or 3 years of backtesting prior to release. Worse than Christmas in my experience.
Last 10 trades, to compare the various changes to FMT recommendations
Original system 40tp/40sl (without BE) -160
and with BE@ 20 still -160. (I know there was a tip to reset to BE at 24 at one time)
First revision. 35TP/40SL/BE@20 -170
Latest revision, including advancing the start time
35TP/45SL/BE+5@25 -185
Strange to say the revisions have done more harm than good, just in the last 3 weeks.
To which timescale do you refer, by 'worst period' and has this period really been worse than the 5 consecutive losses, followed by 1 BE+0, followed by a further 2 consecutive losses that occurred in December 2010?
Since the 10-trade performance was mentioned, I made a chart from my data on the performance of my settings. The big dip to the right of centre is Xmas period with all trades taken, and we are now there again.
Note: My settings give me a few more winners in the year with the 6:30 alternate trade (according to my data) and the BE +8 helps smooth out the curve a bit. But this chart pattern will be about the same for the default 6:15 trade.
Great weekend all. We will reap the pips next week.
Thanks for the stats. Looks like we are at a bottom.
Question to all of you, has anyone ever contacted any UK brokers except SLM and asked them if they are considering opening a Spreadbetting platform down the line ? Would be great if SLM had some competition as it seems their attitude is based on the fact that they have the monopoly and can treat us as they wish as they know tax free trading is a sort after proposition.😱