ForexMorningTrade System

on the fmt site mark says that

"i continue trading forex morning trade with standard settings (remember we made a change to standard settings last month):
Profit target = 35, stop loss = 45 pips, break even = 25 pips, break even add pips = 5, uselongcandlefilter = true."

anyone know if he trades at 6:15 or 6:30?

hmm... anyone thought of using martingale strategy with FMT? as in double down on every loss, but of course have enough capital to withstand say, drawdown of 10 losses in a row?

feel free to comment/cut down/give cheers on this crazy idea 🙂
hmm... anyone thought of using martingale strategy with FMT? as in double down on every loss, but of course have enough capital to withstand say, drawdown of 10 losses in a row?

feel free to comment/cut down/give cheers on this crazy idea 🙂

Hey Big, not sure if I got this right? Are you saying that every time you lose, you double the £PP on the next trade? Presumably working on the principal that the odds of further losses reduce as they occur?

Interesting, but I think that if you compounded 8 consecutive losses each time doubling the previous £PP you would be sitting on a greater debt mountain that the Government? :clap:
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Hey Pod, what are Forexpeacearmy upto? Can't see SLM listed yet? Is this a conspiracy? 😆

Hi scoot2scoot

This is what is says on forexpeacearmy's FAQ about reviews. I will send them an email when I get back home tonight for sure

Hey dude, where's my review?

Be patient. The review moderation queue can get backed up. Every time you post a review, there's a note about reviews taking from 3-5 business days to be processed. The time spent answering this question over and over again every day from people who left reviews less than 48 hours before adds at least 1 day to the moderation process.

Please don't lie about your location. You don't have to give your city, but if you lie about what country you are in, your review will probably be deleted. The bulk of reviews with fake countries are fake reviews. There's an idiot in Latvia who spent more than 6 months leaving hundreds of reviews claiming to be from all over the world. He thought he could rearrange the top rated brokers. He failed. The FPA's reviews don't require you to give your real name, so your privacy is protected. If you are in a country with fewer people, you can give your region instead if you really are worried about your broker coming to get you for trashing them in the reviews.

Is your review really a review? "I need contact info for the company or a reviewer." Or "Hello person who left a review long ago, how's it going?" aren't reviews. People go to the reviews to read about experiences dealing with companies. If you want to argue about best settings or chat with other users, all but the most recently listed companies have a discussion thread linked to the review page. "Has anyone used this product?" is only appropriate if you are submitting a new site. It won't make users come to the review page and share their experiences.

If you leave a followup review, use the same name and location you used in the first review. Don't try submitting multiple reviews under different names. One trader gets one vote. If you get caught cheating, the best that you can hope for is to have all of your reviews deleted. The FPA is always working to improve detection of those who try to cheat.

If you do write in about a missing review, please say what company you reviewed and what name you used. Without that information, there's no way to check.
+35 on SLM at last. Trade opened at 6:16.06 again though, and my alpari took profit a full 20 minutes before SLM. Had to endure a rise of 20 pips before it fell again. This SLM is going to cost very soon. They maintain it's not them, but as soon as there's a +5 rather than +35, it'll be their customers that leave pretty quickly.

It's already happened Poppy. I got a -45 instead of +5! I am moving my money on Friday in order to trade IG on Monday. I am only trading manually with SLM.
hmm... anyone thought of using martingale strategy with FMT? as in double down on every loss, but of course have enough capital to withstand say, drawdown of 10 losses in a row?

feel free to comment/cut down/give cheers on this crazy idea 🙂

The thought crossed my mind, but decided to not risk my main account, may give it a go in the future with a small £100 with microlots - If I loose then no big deal 🙂
Hi scoot2scoot

This is what is says on forexpeacearmy's FAQ about reviews. I will send them an email when I get back home tonight for sure

Hey dude, where's my review?

Thanks Pod. Am I right that SLM have only been around since last summer? I wonder what you need to set yourself up as a broker?
FMT for me this morning, (45-35-25-5) broker

6:15 start, short signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:30 start, short signal, hit TP +36 pips
6:45 start, short signal, hit TP +18 pips (half lots)

total today, +89 pips..

weekly total -76 pips
😡I am a bit angry missing this winning trade... I just do not understand why my EA did not take these singals as valid for entry.

I'm not sure either as I have a demo on AAFX that clearly is a sell both the 6:15 and 6:30 UK and still no trade. My live did make a nice sell though. I wonder if slippage or market movement effected it? I just don't know. 😱
I stopped using TDFX simply because the spread is 5 pips for the Cable. 😱

Ditto ! .. TadawulFx are crooks ! They screwed me a few times on FMT trades, but never again, they have been since kicked to the curb !..:cheesy:
I'm not sure either as I have a demo on AAFX that clearly is a sell both the 6:15 and 6:30 UK and still no trade. My live did make a nice sell though. I wonder if slippage or market movement effected it? I just don't know. 😱

Be sure you have different magic numbers if trading more than one start time..😉
hmm... anyone thought of using martingale strategy with FMT? as in double down on every loss, but of course have enough capital to withstand say, drawdown of 10 losses in a row?

feel free to comment/cut down/give cheers on this crazy idea 🙂

😆 I'll have to cut that idea down. Imagine 5 loosing trades in a row. You start out with 3% risk, you then risk 6%, 12%, 24% and so on. All loosing trades. Can I say wipe out!?! 😢
Be sure you have different magic numbers if trading more than one start time..😉

On the demo, I just have it set to open at 6:15 and close at 6:30. Only one trade going.

To get the best results, I probably should be up at 1:00 a.m eastern to make sure manually the EA does what it is suppose to do but I just can't pull my eyelids open that wide to see my computer screen. 😆
Ditto ! .. TadawulFx are crooks ! They screwed me a few times on FMT trades, but never again, they have been since kicked to the curb !..:cheesy:

What got me 😡 with them is that if you read their spreads, it says the Cable is 4 pips on the smallest account and goes down when you get a higher account, yet when I look at my chart, it's clearly 5 pips. I said "Sayonara"! 🙄
if i understand this correctly, you manually close out a portion of your trade @ 20 TP and let the rest of the trade close out at +35 ?

Do you move BE to +5, upon reaching +20 ?


I snipe on a separate account and I manually make the snipe trades where I let FMT EA make my standard trade on another account. I like to keep them separate and so far it's working great.
Right, thats it!
Error 6 and 15 second delay on SLM. I am moving TMT off SLM to ThinkForex.

(+35 today despite the broker)

Yip me too -- Application already filled in online yesterday. However, gonna keep my one SLM account active and trade the 40/10 strategy manually at around 06:30 (probably 06:29:30s)
To Think I was contemplating taking all my funds from Alpari UK over to SLM in either August or December. 😕
Fat Chance that Happening Now👎