A change again? I did not receive anything from Mark.Hi,
When did you get an email from Mark?
A change again? I did not receive anything from Mark.
No email from Mark in my inbox and never had a problem receiving any previously from him. Anybody else received one?
I think illbegentle is confused, there has been no email from Mark judging by consensus of members here.
I'm sure that most people here know that unlike ECN brokers, SLM (and other retail brokers) take the other side of your trade (read SLM's T&C!). So if you are buying, they are selling - based on the notion that most amateur retail traders lose. This type of broker does not want you to be profitable long term, as this means they lose money! Can you imagine how much they would lose if everyone was trading with FMT - which can be 85% accurate?
Thruster. It is my understanding and I'm happy to be corrected on this that if you place a trade with your broker and they trade against you (hedge the trade) that they are actually placing both the trades. If your trade size is let's say 1 lot which is 100,000 units of the currency being traded then you are only exposed to in this case a $450.00 loss where the broker are exposed to a $450,000 loss. Considering that the broker only makes a small amount of money on each trade (1-6 pips depending on your broker ofcourse) this is nowhere near enough to support the 95% of all forex traders that loose. So in order to support the losers they cancel every trade out bar the spread with an opposite trade. Therefore wen you win or loose the only money they make is the spread. They don't win when you loose all they done is cancelled out each trade to make their spread.
I think illbegentle is confused, there has been no email from Mark judging by consensus of members here.
yes sorry i am! i was referring to the journal entries where he stated for May that we switch back to 'old settings'. can someone clarify for me what time this is 6:15 or 6:30? thanks!
yes sorry i am! i was referring to the journal entries where he stated for May that we switch back to 'old settings'. can someone clarify for me what time this is 6:15 or 6:30? thanks!
Guys, I checked forexpeacearmy's broker reviews http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/forex_broker_reviews for Smart Live Markets only to be disappointed that they are not even listed on the site. Well, I had to rectify that so I posted Smart Live Markets first review, wasn't a nice one, short and sweet about their shocking customer service. The review was posted today and will appear on the website in the next couple of days after being moderated, please feel free to add your reviews when it's live, after a few reviews we can send the link to Paul to have a good read. 🙂
Pod, waiting for Foexpeacearmy is more stressful than trading 😆
Pod, waiting for Foexpeacearmy is more stressful than trading 😆
Hi shoot2scoot, I think they may take longer to validate the website etc. I will give them until Wednesday and send them an email to speed things up.🙂
Thruster. It is my understanding and I'm happy to be corrected on this that if you place a trade with your broker and they trade against you (hedge the trade) that they are actually placing both the trades. If your trade size is let's say 1 lot which is 100,000 units of the currency being traded then you are only exposed to in this case a $450.00 loss where the broker are exposed to a $450,000 loss. Considering that the broker only makes a small amount of money on each trade (1-6 pips depending on your broker ofcourse) this is nowhere near enough to support the 95% of all forex traders that loose. So in order to support the losers they cancel every trade out bar the spread with an opposite trade. Therefore wen you win or loose the only money they make is the spread. They don't win when you loose all they done is cancelled out each trade to make their spread.
I thought retail market makers matched buyers to sellers from their own liquidity pool, so if there is an equal amount of "lots" being sold and bought then great. When this is no longer possible they are trading in the real market for you, but also they are taking the opposite side of the trade for themselves (to reduce their exposure). Am I way off the mark here?