ForexMorningTrade System

Likewise, I don't use VPS and delay was around a minute. 2 other EAs running on the same machine with 2 different brokers took their trades without delay. This was undoubtedly an SLM issue.

Just been on the phone with SLM. Was told I only logged in at 07:16 --- Yeah right, yesterday (twice) and today again. Im watching every tick and I get told I was not logged in.
Said they have checked everything there side and cant find anything wrong. What drivel!!!! 👎
Just been on the phone with SLM. Was told I only logged in at 07:16 --- Yeah right, yesterday (twice) and today again. Im watching every tick and I get told I was not logged in.
Said they have checked everything there side and cant find anything wrong. What drivel!!!! 👎
On SLM demo and no problems, considering going live soon.Gonna keep an eye on this space.
Hi, I am in discussion with SLM over this issue of slow EA execution times. SLM are suggesting that it is down to Commercial Network Services (the VPS I use).

I would therefore be interested to know of anyone who doesn't use a VPS or a different VPS that has had problems with SLM EA execution times please?

I'm only after numbers at this stage in order to be able to force SLM to see this as a bigger issue. Thanks Chris

Hi s2s, I had problems the last 2 days, and I'm just running on my PC at home - no VPS
Just been on the phone with SLM. Was told I only logged in at 07:16 --- Yeah right, yesterday (twice) and today again. Im watching every tick and I get told I was not logged in.
Said they have checked everything there side and cant find anything wrong. What drivel!!!! 👎

I have been in touch with SLM throughout the day backwards and forwards. I am aware of 9 of us that use EAs with SLM, all of which sufferred slow execution over the last two days. SLM are in denial but equally the people we talk to (Paul etc) are not the people fixing any problem. Paul is probably as fed up as we are and they are probably working in the background to get this solved overnight and will then put it down to some one off glitch that resolved itself so that I for one can't get my money back!

I'm parking this one now until the morning but I will have them on speed-dial at 06.15hrs and will be following it up as this issue unfolds. The irony of my paying for a VPS, ultra fast connection and getting the slowest reaction speed in the known world is not lost on me! 😉

I have said to them that I look forward to a full debrief when they have finished checking everything.

Cheers, still smarting.

I have only been running it for a few days. I have live SLM account from home PC and had no problems, but then I am trading in tiny sizes, maybe it changes with bigger amounts?
I have been in touch with SLM throughout the day backwards and forwards. I am aware of 9 of us that use EAs with SLM, all of which sufferred slow execution over the last two days. SLM are in denial but equally the people we talk to (Paul etc) are not the people fixing any problem. Paul is probably as fed up as we are and they are probably working in the background to get this solved overnight and will then put it down to some one off glitch that resolved itself so that I for one can't get my money back!

I'm parking this one now until the morning but I will have them on speed-dial at 06.15hrs and will be following it up as this issue unfolds. The irony of my paying for a VPS, ultra fast connection and getting the slowest reaction speed in the known world is not lost on me! 😉

I have said to them that I look forward to a full debrief when they have finished checking everything.

Cheers, still smarting.


What I find strange about their insistance that I only logged in at 07:16 (even though this is hogwash) is that we all know that the EA will only trade at opening of candle. If, what they say is true (and we all apparently only logged in then), then there would be no delay in execution. There would be no execution cause the EA would not take the trade.
What I find strange about their insistance that I only logged in at 07:16 (even though this is hogwash) is that we all know that the EA will only trade at opening of candle. If, what they say is true (and we all apparently only logged in then), then there would be no delay in execution. There would be no execution cause the EA would not take the trade.

I'm live on SLM and MT4 says it traded at 07:15 short. Stopped out. Trading with other brokers it would appear others got BE. It seems to me that SLM regularly has these 'issues'. I'm seriously thinking of using a different broker.
I'm live on SLM and MT4 says it traded at 07:15 short. Stopped out. Trading with other brokers it would appear others got BE. It seems to me that SLM regularly has these 'issues'. I'm seriously thinking of using a different broker.

Should also have said I got an error message and I'm using a European based VPS. There seems to be a number of VPS services being used and yet they claim its down to the VPS. 👎
I'm live on SLM and MT4 says it traded at 07:15 short. Stopped out. Trading with other brokers it would appear others got BE. It seems to me that SLM regularly has these 'issues'. I'm seriously thinking of using a different broker.

Chillie, thanks for that. Do you use the EA? If so what price did you get this morning? You should have got around 1.6482ish if your system was working right. I only got 1.6478! That 4 pip slip meant that I didn't quite reach down to the +25pip I needed to action my SL move to BE+5pips. Hense I went down -45pips!
What I find strange about their insistance that I only logged in at 07:16 (even though this is hogwash) is that we all know that the EA will only trade at opening of candle. If, what they say is true (and we all apparently only logged in then), then there would be no delay in execution. There would be no execution cause the EA would not take the trade.

I know, they are barking up the wrong tree. They hope that they can pin this on an EA failure as EAs are not their responsibility. I suspect that maybe the volume of trades at 06.15hrs caused a delay on their server.

What I'm not clear about are the boundaries between the Meta Trader platform that they provide and the broker software that they control?

If this continues they will lose so much respect. I don't understand why another spreadbetting broker doesn't offer Meta Trader as a charting platform? The number of UK traders wanting to spreadbet must justify it?

Hi GumRai

I have made a note of one of your other posts explaining similar to someone else, recently.

However, I am wondering, is this not a arbitrary request to move the stop-loss that is outside the sphere of influence of bid/ask?

I can understand that when hitting TP or SL would need to consider bid/ask, but surely not when simply wanting (or in this case asking the EA) to move the SL when a certain price is hit?

(I'm thinking I'm about to learn something...!) :smart:

I think that as the EA moves the stop when the trade is 25 pips in profit, then it would have to look at the ask price in the case of a short trade. As the EA did not try to move the stop, I would say that it is because the trade did not move 25 pips into profit although the bid price moved 26.6 pips.
Chillie, thanks for that. Do you use the EA? If so what price did you get this morning? You should have got around 1.6482ish if your system was working right. I only got 1.6478! That 4 pip slip meant that I didn't quite reach down to the +25pip I needed to action my SL move to BE+5pips. Hense I went down -45pips!

Hi Shoot2scoot, I use the EA and wasn't around today to monitor the trade. Like you I got 1.6478 and lost -45 pips. My Alpari demo account got BE.
Could anyone who has had a problem with SLM EA execution times but has not mentioned it in the forum yet, just let me know so that I can tell SLM how widespread the problem is. Thanks. Chris

Hey scoot,
I had problem as well. It made me miss the b/e add 5. Had to manually close for 4 pip loss.
I'll just add s2s, that I don't use a VPS and I have just checked, I got filled at 7:16 at 1.64782.
I was also a minute late into the 7:30 that I still trade!!
Quick reply for you:

Where you are has no bearing at all on MT4 platforms, e.g. the broker or "platform" time is the same regardless of where the computer is.

You have Alpari UK, and need not deviate from the 7 AM timeframe, since that platform is constantly one hour later than the UK time.

We speak of 6:15, 6:30 etc in reference to UK time, because that is when FMT is intended to trade.

Some prefer to trade at three separate times, others prefer to trade at whatever Mark's current setting is. That is strictly a personal preference, but is usually based on a lot of study.

If you want to stay with Mark's program for the moment, (and I might recommend that until you understand everything about trading), then just keep your trade where it is on your Alpari UK platform at 07:15.Then at least you have something going while you explore your options.

My test and forward results always show the 06:15, 06:30 and 06:45 because that is the actual UK time at which the trades are taken, and because in this silly business there is no central exchange and most brokers operate on their own clocks.

I repeat, stay at 07:15 on your Alpari UK platform and you will be doing exactly what Mark is doing. Look at the PDF that came with your EA and different broker times are explained there also.

You might also consider going to and taking all the lessons on FX trading. It is not terribly demanding, and brings great benefits in a very focused way.

Good luck

thank you , and I apologize for the delay in responding to this.
I read it yesterday when you first posted it, but got distracted
with other things. I will have a look at and take the lessons as you suggest.
I have stuck to 7:15 as the trading time
with the SL at 45, the TP at 35, BE at 25, and BE add pips at 5

the last two trades have been profit of 35 and 5 , so
this is working fine the way it is set up for now.

If I'd had a $10,000 live account, I would have made $400
in the past two days, but a $10,000 account is out of range for me as yet.

The best I will have to start with is a $1000 live account.
In summary I have the following as being affected by a delay in EA execution on SLM:

and myself

Sorry for any mistakes or omissions, please get in touch?

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