ForexMorningTrade System

Weekly update.

Relevant data:

- Sets with BE20 did not have wins or losses.
- First time I see 4 losses in a row in set Original FMT.
- Last loss in set Desert Combo was on March 14th, then it goes 16 winner trades.

It was a strange week, with people 🙁 and 😀 at the same time.


FMT for me this morning (55-35-25-5)

6:15 start, signal buy trade, hit TP +36 pips
6:30 start, signal buy trade, hit TP +36 pips
6:45 start, signal buy trade, hit TP +36 pips

total today +108 pips..

total for the week +148 pips..

makes for a nice weekend ..

I am brand new to this
could you explain what this is? (55-35-25-5)
Are those your settings for FMT EA?
I am brand new to this
could you explain what this is? (55-35-25-5)
Are those your settings for FMT EA?

55 SL: Stop loss
35 TP: Take profit
25 BE: SL is triggered to move up to break even when the price is at +25 pips
5 BE+: Add 5 pips to break even, so even BE days will have slightly positive pips instead of zero
55 SL: Stop loss
35 TP: Take profit
25 BE: SL is triggered to move up to break even when the price is at +25 pips
5 BE+: Add 5 pips to break even, so even BE days will have slightly positive pips instead of zero

thanks Bill, I had a dull week. Monday Tuesday and Wednesday were either NO TRADE or BE, then I switched to
SL 40
TP 40
BE 0
BE+ 0

and nothing happened Thursday and Friday. I assume they were BE days, as they are listed as one buy and one sell , with no
change in my account balance. At least I didn't lose anything all week, but it would almost be comforting to lose something with the demo account just to know that everything is functioning properly.

I tried to download DesertEagles xls file but it wouldn't open properly in Excel. I am going to have to be patient with this
and give the new settings a chance to work before panicking
and trying Desert Eagles settings.
.......I tried to download DesertEagles xls file but it wouldn't open properly in Excel. I am going to have to be patient with this
and give the new settings a chance to work before panicking
and trying Desert Eagles settings.

You probably have an earlier version of Microsoft Office. Go to the MS download centre

and you can download the file converter that allows you to open excel files from newer versions of Office
FMT for me this morning (55-35-25-5)

6:15 start, signal buy trade, hit TP +36 pips
6:30 start, signal buy trade, hit TP +36 pips
6:45 start, signal buy trade, hit TP +36 pips

total today +108 pips..

total for the week +148 pips..

makes for a nice weekend ..

Hi. May I know for how long you have been using this setting? Thanks.
Hi. May I know for how long you have been using this setting? Thanks.

For about 5 or 6 weeks now. These seem to be the best settings I have tried so far, but then FMT is performing very well recently..:cheesy:

cheers !
For about 5 or 6 weeks now. These seem to be the best settings I have tried so far, but then FMT is performing very well recently..:cheesy:

cheers !

Hi Hammy66,

I like the settings you use, 55 not quite as painful as Deserteagles 65, but was wondering if you backtested with 40TP as you'd increased the SL? Also, I can't quite grasp your rationale for 3 start times so close together, surely for FMT to work over all three, the signal is likely to be the same, so aren't you just paying spread x3 when you could achieve the same outcome from 1 trade at say 3% rather than 3 trades of 1% - be interested to know how you feel 3 trades gives you an edge. Best Regards 🙂
Hi Hammy66,

I like the settings you use, 55 not quite as painful as Deserteagles 65, but was wondering if you backtested with 40TP as you'd increased the SL? Also, I can't quite grasp your rationale for 3 start times so close together, surely for FMT to work over all three, the signal is likely to be the same, so aren't you just paying spread x3 when you could achieve the same outcome from 1 trade at say 3% rather than 3 trades of 1% - be interested to know how you feel 3 trades gives you an edge. Best Regards 🙂

actually the 3 start times can be quite different, I will get a positive trade sometimes with one of the other start times when 6:30 is a No Trade or a BE.

cheers !
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I am trying to download EA . Is there a link to that on this site??. The reason being, the file if got from MS, I'm am not able to copy an paste to "Program Files"

I am trying to download EA . Is there a link to that on this site??. The reason being, the file if got from MS, I'm am not able to copy an paste to "Program Files"


The FMT EA? That you download from the FMT members area if I remember correctly. I never downloaded it as I don't use EAs. You won't find a download link anywhere here.
What or who is MS?
I am trying to download EA . Is there a link to that on this site??. The reason being, the file if got from MS, I'm am not able to copy an paste to "Program Files"


Sandra, the file will be received in a zip format, use winzip to unzip first 🙂
Are we in for another one of those Mondays where some people get a signal and others dont, or even some people get a buy and others get a sell? It looks very borderline to me, 06.15
Top of the morning all, This is going to be interesting, at 06H15 Oanda is showing BUY, SLM and Alpari UK are showing NO TRADE. Might let Oanda take the trade at 06H30 as the bias is to the upside. 🙄