ForexMorningTrade System

Morning all
New member Q? Is this unique for trade to turn at 30 pips for 3 days in a row. Must we be patient and leave at 35 TP or move to 30TP what will theSL then be

Todays turn was more a case of a strong support level than the FMT setting of 35. If there is this type of level, 30 pips from tomorrow's TP level... might be good to manually adjust.

My thoughts about 10tp and 40sl are that the risk reward ratio is not good, if you have a loss you have to win daily for a week to get back to where you were. Before I say more about it I'll just mention 20/40 is a dumb useless set, so I'd suggest you need to be content with 10 and not try for say 15 every time (not that I've tested that), and you also need to leave a fairly big SL in order to give the market room to breathe.

My analysis of 10/40 says it has won 47 of the last 50, 93 of 100 (including Christmas which was terrible), 140 in the last 150 185 in 200.

With all that in mind, I'd be happy to use this one with a higher % risk instead of a lower one actually.

I've only observed 2 consecutive losses in 15 months

If one traded the 10/40 set with £150 at 33% risk in the EA/20% risk in GBP, over 200 trades, using your analysis, not only would the account survive it would compound to approx. £46,000 in 12 months.
Here is a question. If I told you would net 1200 pips in one year or 30 winners in a row. What would you choose? This what trading is all about? Patience and discipline. Stick to the rules. Don't celebrate wins don't worry about losses.
Here is a question. If I told you would net 1200 pips in one year or 30 winners in a row. What would you choose? This what trading is all about? Patience and discipline. Stick to the rules. Don't celebrate wins don't worry about losses.

Well said PipZombie, you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink, I think Wiseambitions has the patience of a saint, every week or so he tries to help the new members but one can't escape the fact it can fall on deaf ears sometimes.😀
If one traded the 10/40 set with £150 at 33% risk in the EA/20% risk in GBP, over 200 trades, using your analysis, not only would the account survive it would compound to approx. £46,000 in 12 months.

I don't doubt your analysis.

The key performance indicators of a set, for compounding, are in my opinion
Profit Factor - Total gains over total losses
Payoff - the net number of pips gained on average per session.
Drawdown - the maximum setback to a level of gain already attained

It is amazing how a conservative setting can be a winning formula in those measurements. 10/40 makes a lovely smooth equity curve which looks more pleasing on the eye than the other more aggressive sets
7th April

Used standard FMT settings with Hammy66 timings on live Alpari UK account result today:
07:15 trade NT
07:30 trade BE
07:45 trade BE

Used Catfish settings (see #7525) with Hammy66 timings on a demo Alpari UK account result today:
07:15 trade NT
07:30 trade LOSS
07:45 trade LOSS

All times Alpari UK

The demo trades did not close untill 13:00 Alpari UK trade time.
BE again today on 40/35/20 default, Go Markets.
3 consecutive BEs, but I'll take them with no complaints.
Let's get the pips tomorrow
Well said PipZombie, you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink, I think Wiseambitions has the patience of a saint, every week or so he tries to help the new members but one can't escape the fact it can fall on deaf ears sometimes.😀

I have a theory, well it's actually real evidence, that if you keep tinkering with your settings you'll come out far worse than just for staying constant with a reasonable set for a long time.
Someone I speak to frequently has changed his TP and SL every couple of weeks since October and wonders why his account isn't growing. Most of the sensible sets have given you 500 to 900 points in the same period!
Out at -48 again after skimming a few pips from TP for fourth trade in a row. Only time I've seen four consecutive losses in FMT was one week in 2010 and one in 2009. Hopefully this is the one 4 loss week for 2011! But as everyone says on this forum (who actually make a profit), stick to your plan, I know if I change to BE or amend TP/SL levels it will immediately be the wrong thing to do. Patience, patience, marathon not a sprint...

All this talk of TP10/SL40 reminds me of those EAs I'm sure we've all demo tested, that build up the account nicely over time and then blow it all in a few adverse days, as they are scalping a few pips for wins but with a big SL just waiting for the inevitable to happen. I personally think Mark's settings or something close to it are better for a long term profitable strategy
FMT for me this morning (55-35-25-5)

6:15 start, signal No Trade
6:30 start, signal sell trade, hit BE+5 pips
6:45 start, signal sell trade, hit BE+5 pips

total today +10 pips.. ..only 2 pips from hitting TP..

total for the week +40 pips..
Out at -48 again after skimming a few pips from TP for fourth trade in a row. Only time I've seen four consecutive losses in FMT was one week in 2010 and one in 2009. Hopefully this is the one 4 loss week for 2011! But as everyone says on this forum (who actually make a profit), stick to your plan, I know if I change to BE or amend TP/SL levels it will immediately be the wrong thing to do. Patience, patience, marathon not a sprint...

Of course patience is the key, but I do not see it so wrong if you change now from Original FMT to New FMT. It should not be due to the three or four losses in a row(these losses are nothing in the FMT performace), but what New FMT gives you is just a peace of mind when price has got +20. Despite in the short term, from January to March, New FMT was doing better than Original FMT (see my weekly sheet) it was discussed the results in the long term are similars.
You should decide what is more comfortable for you.

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I have purchased FMT and have traded it in demo for three weeks with good results.

I would like to look at TMT and want to purchase it but cannot see where to buy it. I have just looked through Marc's website in the members area and it has passed me by if the link is there.

Can anyone help with a pointer

Many thanks

I think this is your broker issue and they should have been able to fill your 13.7 lots if they are liquid enough for a fill.

If i were trading this big I would use an ECN with currenex platform. Yes they do charge commision but spreads are little better. What is most important that you have great liquidity from major banks and you can see that in level2 of currenex. I have seen people trading 20 lots without any major fill issues. Make sure you join a bigger ECN. I have seen people complain about the commision part but most of good ECN charge 2.54 $ per 10 lots per turn. I know that is 5$ per 10 lots trade ( plus there are spreads) but think what you lost on your larger trade in terms of no fill approx (479.5$).

I hope this helps.


How do I trade Forex Morning Trade using the currenex platform though. I have no idea on how to set all this up. I know MT4 and thats about it???

I have purchased FMT and have traded it in demo for three weeks with good results.

I would like to look at TMT and want to purchase it but cannot see where to buy it. I have just looked through Marc's website in the members area and it has passed me by if the link is there.

Can anyone help with a pointer

Many thanks

Found it, google was the answer
Error 133 trade is disabled"

Can someone help please, I have FMT set up on demo and the EA opened my trade correctly.
On the other PC I have my live account open with the EA running but it did not open the trade so I did it manually.
I am setting it every 15 minutes just until I get the EA working, it is giving me a signal, the last one in the top right corner in green says "Signal Long" but in the bottom left corner in white I am getting the message "No trade signal".

I have EA's enalbed in "tools, options, Expert Advisors" 4 boxes ticked.
The smiley face is on.
Expert advisor button has a green dot lit.

I have sufficient funds as I opened the trade manually.

Getting "Error 133 Trade is disabled" message now.

Any suggestions?

Do you have 'allow live trading' ticked?
I received the message:Error 146, trade context is busy. What can be the problem?
Do you have 'allow live trading' ticked?

Yes hence the smiley face. Thanks for the one and only suggestion though.
Got it sorted now, 2 reasons stopping it trade, tricky but got there in the end.

Now I am going to let it run on my old PC without interfering with 35 TP 40 SL.
Is it best to have no breakeven?