I'd just like to share a bit of information which tells me that in spite of a faltering start, the year to date, 1 January 2011 to 31 March has actually been better than in my simulations for the corresponding period in 2010 for most settings. The data for 2011 is collected daily and is as accurate as I am able to make it, based on 06.30 starts, and the prices of my own broker.
Setting Last year's in brackets
New FMT 35/40/BE 505 (235)
Old FMT 40/40 600 (440)
10/40 310 (140)
28/40 340 (480)
D/eagle 43/65/BE 512 (514)
Scroll back through the last 3 months and you'll hear a lot of who you'd think to be seasoned veterans saying "This system doesn't work any more", "Putting this robot back on the shelf", "Conditions have changed", "Chinese chopstick production etc...." If the system had been on sale it would have been the same 12 months previously, yet for those who kept strictly to the rules they would have come through with 1750 to 2000 pips, in a year, just for forgetting about 'News', 'Statistics' and every other factor that plays on your emotions.
Rolling 12 month production, April 3 2010 to April 2 2011
New FMT 1815 Profit factor 2.00
Old FMT 2040 PF 1.72
10/40 1210 PF 3.16
28/40 1744 PF 1.82
D/eagle 1598 PF 1.84
Long may FMT continue to deliver steady long term results! Have a great weekend folks.