ForexMorningTrade System

Anyone here have positives / negatives to report from using the VPN service offered "free" by FXCM?
One potential disadvantage - their spreads of 3-4 pips around 06.30 UK time would seem to be quite wide compared to what others are reporting from their brokers in this thread.

i used it, sometimes have to restart it, because it close the plateform.
I even managed to install a 2nd MT4 and run other borker on the vpn...
However when you do so, it seems after a moment they detect it and stop your cessions, so you have to reload....
As this doesn't happen eveyday, it is still a cheap way to do it
I was fully unable to install a 3rd Mt4 on the same vpn
Great, my computer decided to restart itself (after updates) while I was asleep and FMT was still in play. So now I've turned it on to see that TP would have been hit and now it looks like I'm gonna be out at break even... Stupid computer!!!
Hi jimpees

Just to correct you, forex is not tax free in the UK as capital gains tax applies, however Spreadbetting would be Tax Free🙂

So is it correct that my Alpari account would be liable for CGT but if I placed the same trades on IG that they wouldn't as it would be classified as a spreadbet?
So is it correct that my Alpari account would be liable for CGT but if I placed the same trades on IG that they wouldn't as it would be classified as a spreadbet?

Correct, but watch the IG quotes, they well not be aligned.

I used to use IG &CMC but now trade 100% on Alpari.

But yes, gains on Alpari should be declared and tax paid.

Of course, you could fund it from an offshore account, but that is way off topic.
Great, my computer decided to restart itself (after updates) while I was asleep and FMT was still in play. So now I've turned it on to see that TP would have been hit and now it looks like I'm gonna be out at break even... Stupid computer!!!

I suggest you to change the settings for the updates, you should define to download the updates automatically but implementing them when you decide (not automatically). Also, you can set the MT4 to be started automatically when Windows starts, just in case you have a restart when you are sleeping 😉
Just barely hit my +35 TP today with one account. Missed my TP and hit my BE with my second account. Both accounts are with TadawulFX.
35TP not reached at the beginning (the winning candle for some of you), then reached at +36TP (alpari UK)
+35 pips E Global Entry @1.6113
What was you entries Pod And Johnco ?

I'm about as dumb as it comes when it comes to forex. I don't know entry or exit, even though I've read every thread in this forum. All I know is, money can be made trading forex. I simply follow the rules. Maybe if I read long enough, I'll comprehend this amazing market. I use default settings for now. I beleive when theres a substantial account balance. MM with it's compounding feature will greatly enhance my profit margin. 😏
FMT for me this morning : (55-35-25-5)

6:15 start, long signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:30 start, long signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:45 start, long signal, hit TP +35 pips

total today +105 pips ..

total for the week +118 pips..
My broker is changing it's time. I need my ea to reflect GMT +3. Does any one know what I set the EA to?

Hi LadyFx,

If your broker is GMT +3
London is GMT +1
difference is +2,
therefore when London is 6:30, your broker time is 8:30...:smart:
set your EA on that broker to 8:30 ... get it ?..👍

cheers !..😀
I'm about as dumb as it comes when it comes to forex. I don't know entry or exit, even though I've read every thread in this forum. All I know is, money can be made trading forex. I simply follow the rules. Maybe if I read long enough, I'll comprehend this amazing market. I use default settings for now. I beleive when theres a substantial account balance. MM with it's compounding feature will greatly enhance my profit margin. 😏

I don't think one ever stops learning it but for starters, can walk you through a free training course. This is where I began. :smart:
My broker is changing it's time. I need my ea to reflect GMT +3. Does any one know what I set the EA to?

Look at London current time (google, current London time), count how many hrs / minutes until 06:30 UK/London time. Go to your chart, look at current chart time, add the same amount of hrs and this is your start time. Forget about GMT time, we don't go by that,, UK/London time only.
This week= + 4.6%
Total in March= +13.1%
Total since start= +13.1%
11 wins
0 losses

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Sorry, I only have 2 weeks of data so give it time. 🙂