ForexMorningTrade System

I see Mark hasn't updated his journal yesterday - Wonder if he got stopped out at B/E or -40, Must be busy negotiating the purchase of his private island.Tough life....
hi pipzombie

thanks for sharing that, gives us hope this is the real deal.
of cos my next question is, which standard settings? is it the current one - 40/35/20/0 ?
do you count in BEs as part of your win rate?
when did you start trading? With 86 live trades i reckon you started around Nov/Dec - did you trade through Dec?
what's yr biggest DD like with 4% per trade?


Yes, standard settings as they have progressed. we started with 40/40 then Mark changed to 40/35/20/0. I bought the system 9/10/10 and ran it on a demo for one day on 9/13/10 to make sure it worked properly then I put it on a small live account 9/14/10 and kept the track record live ever since. I did not traded 12/15/10 through 1/16/11 per choice. I announced this ahead of time before December from my prior experience as a trader and what I experienced back in August trading manually and the FMT posted results for August. I only have 86 trades as my first account on FMT does not run a virtual private servers (VPS) and I had a couple of occasions my internet was down and I did not get to take the trade....all in all it is a live forward result full of real trading situations (i.e. power outtages, internet outages etc). I have planned not to trade FMT 8/1/11 - 9/18/11. August and December are lower liquidity times in the past and I want to stay away from the FMT during this time. I did demo trade during these times (december 15 through January 14) just to see what FMT was doing but did not trade live. That will be my plan again. My biggest drawdown is 11.33% with most consecutive losses 3 in a row. I do not run the Money Management feature on this account. I manually compound the account. Once I can move the account size one tenth of a lot i raise my lot size. I was waiting until my account reached 100% gain then I was going to put the money management feature on and let it go....hope this helps.
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Yes, FMT does work very well, we just have to remember that there are some losing trades as well and not panic when they occur and keep stay with system!

The reason I chose 4% is that I will accept up to 32% drawdown. If this is reached I will stop completely with the system. You have to have a predetermined point in which you will quit trading the sytem and stick to it.
The reason I chose 4% is that I will accept up to 32% drawdown. If this is reached I will stop completely with the system. You have to have a predetermined point in which you will quit trading the sytem and stick to it.


Yes this is good trading plan to have (Max Drawdown).

Is this the only system you are trading? Is there any other system you are trading live?

Yes, standard settings as they have progressed. we started with 40/40 then Mark changed to 40/35/20/0. I started 9/14/10. I did not traded 12/15/10 through 1/16/11 per choice. I announced this ahead of time from my prior experience as a trader and what I experienced back in August with the FMT. I only have 86 trades as my first account on FMT does not run a virtual private servers (VPS) and I had a couple of occasions my internet was down and I did not get to take the trade....all in all it is a live forward result full of real trading situations (i.e. power outtages, internet outages etc). I have planned not to trade FMT 8/1/11 - 9/18/11. August and December are lower liquidity times in the past and I like to stay away from the FMT during this time. I did demo trade during these times just to see what FMT was doing but did not trade live. That will be my plan again. My biggest drawdown is 11.33% with most consecutive losses 3 in a row. I do not run the Money Management feature on this account. I manually compound the account. Once I can move the account size one tenth of a lot i raise my lot size. I was waiting until my account reached 100% gain then I was going to put the money management feature on and let it go....hope this helps.

PipZombie, how did you trade FMT in August, when it first went on sale in September 2010? Anyway, Mark's August Journal results do seem to agree with your observations.
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Yes this is good trading plan to have (Max Drawdown).

Is this the only system you are trading? Is there any other system you are trading live?


I have my own manual trading system. It is very profitable. I just have the computer set me an alarm when there is a signal, put the trade on, put a trade manager on and go back to bed.😴 Im in the process of automating it or at least making it semi-automatic. I would still like to put the trade on manually but I need a couple of modifications to my trade manager do some of the things I do while in a trade.

I have been working on an early exit feature for FMT. Yesterday's FMT trade i had 5 accounts with FMT on a total of two brokers. I had an account hit breakeven and 4 that hit loss. If I had employed by early exit strategy it would have closed the trade for 2 pip loss on the accounts that had a loss. Just trying to perfect when to have the strategy turn on i.e. 10 pips profit 15 pips profit etc. so that the trade has a chance to go to profit and can handle minor retracements. I have suggested one method to Mark Fric and he programmed it in and did testing on it and it did not improve the results...I am testing my second version right now. I will suggest it to Mark when I get it ready.
Does anybody know the begin & end times for Oanda (US) please?? I was with Alpari UK but changing. I live in the UK so need the correct time settings. Thank you

Hi Icepop, welcome.
You live in the UK. All you need to do is Buy or Sell or No Trade at 6.30 am every weekday, depending on the signals from the closing candle (6.15). Don't worry about broker times, or anything else. Just put your trade on at 6.30!! Simples.....
PipZombie, how did you trade FMT in August, when it first went on sale in September 2010? Anyway, Mark's August Journal results do seem to agree with your observations.

You are correct. I bought it 9/10/10. I Demo it for a day and then put it on a small live account. I can see how you interpreted that I somehow had it in August. To clarify, I announced ahead of time that I would not be trading from Mid December and at least the first two weeks of January. As for not going to trade this August it comes from my prior experience trading manually and the posted results on the FMT trading log. I hope that clears it up. I have edited the prior post to clear that up. Thanks for pointing that out to me.
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I am a bit confused with Turbo morning trade Is that a seperate ea that is for sale ?
Thank you
I purchase FMT Monday Trade today 35 pips Broker Sigtrader
Does anybody know the begin & end times for Oanda (US) please?? I was with Alpari UK but changing. I live in the UK so need the correct time settings. Thank you

Oanda servers are 5 hours behind London time [not GMT; London time!]
I am a bit confused with Turbo morning trade Is that a seperate ea that is for sale ?
Thank you
I purchase FMT Monday Trade today 35 pips Broker Sigtrader

Yes it is. It is the basic FMT system but has more options in the settings.

I am a bit confused with Turbo morning trade Is that a seperate ea that is for sale ?
Thank you
I purchase FMT Monday Trade today 35 pips Broker Sigtrader

It's a different EA for sale made by Mark, but you "need" to have FMT first 😉