ForexMorningTrade System

This week has started in the right way

Yep, nice start of the week with TP 35 pips at 6.15 and 6.30 :cheesy:
FMT for me this morning, (55-35-25-5)

6:15 start, long signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:30 start, long signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:45 start, long signal, hit TP +35 pips

total today +105 pips. 🙂
To the above guys... i am trying to open an Alpari account and it seems that they do not support Macbook :/ up until now i have mainly focused on shares and spreadbetting, and now i look more at Forex i can't get MT4 to work on Alpari as its not supported for the software, even the MT4 demo is the same, unbelievable that Apple are not compatible with it, i may just have to get windows installed the swines lol
Today I completed a one-month hands-on trial of FMT using virtual, pretend money.

I've seen a net 225 pips, or nearly twice Mark's 2-year average, so am very pleased. I think it was in early February that he changed the TP to 35 from 40, and perhaps this result helps vindicate that decision. Of the 16 signals I found, 12 of them were winners.

Fantastic system! - now to open a live account.
OMG, there are so many MT4 accounts at Alpari! Which is the best for a 10K account?
Today I completed a one-month hands-on trial of FMT using virtual, pretend money.

I've seen a net 225 pips, or nearly twice Mark's 2-year average, so am very pleased. I think it was in early February that he changed the TP to 35 from 40, and perhaps this result helps vindicate that decision. Of the 16 signals I found, 12 of them were winners.

Fantastic system! - now to open a live account.

Which broker are you using?
Uberpips, I use Alpari (UK). FMT costs $97, and Mark offers a 2-month money-back guarantee. With the broker one just opens a demo account and conjures out of thin air an amount of "money" to practice with. A bit like government...
had it only a couple of weeks (since Oanda started using it). I'm pretty new to trading so it is a massive concern!

Oanda is one of the most ethical brokers around. I think this is just a blip that happened to impact today's trade. I've can recall spikes that have taken out trades with other brokers where I have come out with a bag full of pips on an Oanda trade. It's swings and roundabouts, but in the long run Oanda is a good broker to use.
Oanda is one of the most ethical brokers around. I think this is just a blip that happened to impact today's trade. I've can recall spikes that have taken out trades with other brokers where I have come out with a bag full of pips on an Oanda trade. It's swings and roundabouts, but in the long run Oanda is a good broker to use.

Well, they better figure it out because I am limited with broker choices here in BC Canada. What did we do wrong???:-0
Ive been trading FMT since september 2010 with great success with GB/USD Pair.
I was going to Demo trade some other pairs, but is anyone trading other pairs live with the Standard FMT Settings, and might be able to provide their results to date.


Oanda is one of the most ethical brokers around. I think this is just a blip that happened to impact today's trade. I've can recall spikes that have taken out trades with other brokers where I have come out with a bag full of pips on an Oanda trade. It's swings and roundabouts, but in the long run Oanda is a good broker to use.

:idea: I will stay with Oanda since I my choices are limited here in Canada. But, I will take my signal of an Alpari(UK) demo account. Comments?
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