ForexMorningTrade System

Monday is a bad day with FMT. Markets are usually finding their direction and the timing couldnt be worse 🙁
I'm always hesistant about trading against the general trend, as it has been from about 1.6350 - today was just that situation, and Monday's rarely seem to be good to FMT - any thoughts? 😕
At Alpari UK you're still using starting hour 7 with 30 starting minute?

When you're running backtests it's strange that you'll get worst results if you take in consideration GMT offset, does anyone have a clue why?

Best Regards,
At Alpari UK you're still using starting hour 7 with 30 starting minute?

When you're running backtests it's strange that you'll get worst results if you take in consideration GMT offset, does anyone have a clue why?

Best Regards,

I would think that anyone doing backtests would have to use data from a source that adjust the time on the same day as the clocks change in the UK otherwise there will be some invalid results
I got a no Signal from Oanda - But long on Smart live and Alpari UK demos - I manually entered long on Oanda though. Wonder why I never got a signal with Oanda - Must be something to do with the server work over the weekend - Strange

US clocks changed to summertime last night. You will need to adjust your entry time. I'm in the UK and mine was set to enter at 1.30 which i have now changed to 2.30. they were 5 hours behind us but until our time changes as well are only 4 hours difference.

Count your lucky stars though - you'd be 40 pips down if the EA had traded! 🙂
US clocks changed to summertime last night. You will need to adjust your entry time. I'm in the UK and mine was set to enter at 1.30 which i have now changed to 2.30. they were 5 hours behind us but until our time changes as well are only 4 hours difference.

Count your lucky stars though - you'd be 40 pips down if the EA had traded! 🙂

I dont see what this has to do with the US - FMT is a strategy to catch the volatility increase before the London market open. Keep at 6:30 GMT until London changes in my opinion.
I dont see what this has to do with the US - FMT is a strategy to catch the volatility increase before the London market open. Keep at 6:30 GMT until London changes in my opinion.

Oanda servers are US based so the feed to your MT4 platform is based on US East coast time. If it is not set correctly on the EA variables the trade will not trigger or trigger at the incorrect time and you won't be trading origianal FMT but your own version 🙂

I presume you're trading manually in which case you don't need to know or worry about this.
I dont see what this has to do with the US - FMT is a strategy to catch the volatility increase before the London market open. Keep at 6:30 GMT until London changes in my opinion.

because if a US broker changed server time at the weekend, the time settings that were correct last week will be 1 hour adrift this week.
I am with a UK broker and expect the broker time to change on the 27th, so no adjustments will be necessary.
I dont see what this has to do with the US - FMT is a strategy to catch the volatility increase before the London market open. Keep at 6:30 GMT until London changes in my opinion.
Some people get very confused with this. Not always their fault as they may be in different a time zone to their broker or the broker uses another time setting anyway. Easy enough to check though as FMT always takes place at 06.30 London time regardless of whether London is on DST or not. If confused, take a look here and adjust your time accordingly.
Hi Mike
According to my rough strategy tester on fxpro I see the following for 40SL/10TP
SELLS-93.68% win
LONGS - 83.20% win
Overall - 87.73 win
Profit factor - 1.9
Max drawdown - 14.97%
max consecutive wins - 25
max consecutive losses - 2 (once)
10K a/c @ 5% risk ratio starting on the same day and finishing on the same day as your examples = $19029 profit
Thinking with the high win rate the risk ratio can be higher than 2%...thats all
Now having said test says there were only 220 trades compared to your 243 and modelling quality is my figures need confirmation from a more accurate source

Hi Geoff,

You’ve hit the nail on the head here. You have to combine a good set with the right stake strategy, that’s why I am testing all these sets. The daily figures will go into a spread sheet that calculates the profit/loss at various risk ratios.

I didn’t have the figures for 7tp/20sl and 10tp/40sl but now you have shown me I can say that probably the problem with these sets is the tp figures are too small.

For example I have run the same 5% compounding risk ratio on a 10K account, using Mark’s original 40tp/40sl set. (This has been done before on this forum)

The profit over the Dec 09 – Feb 11 is $90,464

Frightening eh?

Dumb question, but are you assuming the same lotsize for 7tp/20sl vs 30tp/40sl? You will no doubt already have seen people talking about money management - if you risk 2% on each trade regardless of the number of pips then your 7tp/20sl would seem to have done a lot better as you would be staking double on each trade.

Apologies if it was mentioned that the pips might be scaled further back on the thread, but I must have missed that post :cheesy:

Hi Zorba_g

Please see the reply to Geoff135 earlier
