ForexMorningTrade System


I would like to create a spreadsheet that shows a forecast of losses and wins for FMT/TMT.

For example @80% or 76% with a risk of different percentages per trade.

Maybe a projection based on performance for 2009/2010 that would include the exact same trades taken during those years

I don't know if this can be done but any help or reference would be great.

Many thanks,


I'm having a senior moment (again). I can't understand what your trying to do. Can you explain in a bit more detail ? Are you trying to make a business plan?
I'm having a senior moment (again). I can't understand what your trying to do. Can you explain in a bit more detail ? Are you trying to make a business plan?

sorry I didnt make that very clear!

Ok, maybe this would be easier:

On Mark's 2010 statement how could you show it with compound interest of 2% per trade.


sorry I didnt make that very clear!

Ok, maybe this would be easier:

On Mark's 2010 statement how could you show it with compound interest of 2% per trade.



You could try copy and pasting the results into excel, and create a multiplying and adding formula.
Or put the data in by hand, line by line, and do it. I'm not an expert at excel. So I would create 2 or 3 extra colums, with the increased (or decreased!) stake, the revised profit (ie 1.02 X), and the new capital. Rinse and repeat. A bit of jiggory-pokery, and hey presto, the compunded results will appear.
Good luck!
sorry I didnt make that very clear!

Ok, maybe this would be easier:

On Mark's 2010 statement how could you show it with compound interest of 2% per trade.



Is this the sort of thing that you want?
Adjust the cells highlighted in yellow to alter risk, SL, target, starting bank
Let me know if you want something a bit different and I will try to sort it out



Stats for 02-21-2011

'Live' Accounts:

FMT 4.2, FXSolutions, dealing desk, no trade, 0.0 pips
My stats since 11-08-2010: 16 No Trades, 19 Break Evens, 20 Losses, 20 Profits, Total: -122.0 pips
Pips include slippage, using EA standard settings: 40 SL, 20 BE, 35 TP
Comparing with Mark's live account since 11-08-2010: Total: -18.0 pips

FMT 4.2, IBFX, non-dealing desk, sell trade, 1.62366, 1.62367, -0.1 pips
My stats since 01-04-2010: 8 No Trades, 8 Break Evens, 8 Loss, 11 Profits, Total: +51.1 pips
Pips include slippage, using EA standard settings: 40 SL, 20 BE, 35 TP
Comparing with Mark's live account since 01-04-2011: Total: +59.0 pips

Demo Accounts:

FMT 4.2, non-dealing desk brokers, 4:No Trade
PFG Best, 0.0
FXCM, 0.0
Alpari(US), 0.0
FXDD, 0.0

Testing new tweaked settings, based on back testing. For more details, see Post #5659, page 708:

FMT 4.2 EA, GBPUSD M15 Chart, UK time zone.
Using PFG Best Demo Account, Settings: SL=40, TP=30, BE=20, BE+5 pips
6:15 start, no trade, 0.0 pips ... :-|
My stats since 01-20-2011: Total: +128.6 pips
Comparing with FXSolutions live account since 01-20-2011: Total: +114.0 pips

Testing other systems, subject to back testing.
Lost my back testing system, and I don't have time right now to get it back.

FMT 4.2 EA, GBPUSD M15 Chart, UK time zone.
Using PFG Best Demo Account, Settings: SL=40, TP=30, BE=20, BE+5 pips
13:15 start, sell trade, 1.62204, 1.61895, hit BE= +30.9 pips ... 🙂
My stats since 02-01-2011: Total: -78.0 pips

FMT 4.2 EA, EURUSD M15 Chart, UK time zone.
Using PFG Best Demo Account, Settings: SL=40, TP=30, BE=20, BE+5 pips
13:15 start, sell trade, 1.36673, 1.36365, hit TP= +30.8 pips ... :-|
My stats since 02-01-2011: Total: +72.9 pips
Comparing with FXSolutions live account since 02-01-2011: Total: +89.0 pips

FMT 4.2 EA, EURUSD/USDCHF M15 Chart, UK time zone.
Using PFG Best Demo Account, Settings: SL=20, TP=7, BE=0
23:00 start, EURUSD, no trade, 0.0 pips
23:00 start, USDCHF, no trade, 0.0 pips
Total for both trades: 0.0 pips ... :-|
My stats since 02-03-2011: Total: -11.6 pips
Trading as usual. You can monitor my trades tonight here. Of course, if the "stars" line up. 😀

Great trading TKBieber. Are these trades taken using FMT? What time (GMT) ?

I am new to FMT I have taken my first trade today and still in the trade, going for 35p with stop moved to -20

Where is everyone? I got up late (and dippy) this morning and am not sure if it was a trade today or not? Perhaps everyone got up late too? Oh dear not a good start to the day
Where is everyone? I got up late (and dippy) this morning and am not sure if it was a trade today or not? Perhaps everyone got up late too? Oh dear not a good start to the day

I get up late whenever I can. 😴 🙂
a sell? 1.61630 ish??

Yup - I'm out 1/2 at 10pips, half at 28 pips. It didn't look that bright initially (it often doesn't) -and I was hoping that big drop overnight would kick in again. I've now got 5% running to BE or + ??? I'm not that good at maths.
B/E today -- Alpari UK -- Market just did not want to give us our damn $$$$$ today. Oh well -- there is always tommorrow!!!.
Condolences to Anyone from NZ who may be on this blog for the tragic Earthquakes that have hit Christchurch.