ForexMorningTrade System

Although like many others I am not trading this week, I can only guess what the system said at starting time as I enjoyed an extra hour in bed. Looking at FXDD charts both our main indicator lines were rising but one was either side of the signal line and would probably have told us to stay away. But it would have been a close call. It seems the price has indeed risen by about 20 basis points in about 75 minutes, (at time or writing) so the rising trend has to some extent pushed through.

We have had several discussions here about the reliability of signals on a Monday morning. I think it has a lot to do with the window of our indicator measurement trailing back to about 3.30 in the previous day's trading. And Monday morning has only a limited connection with what went on during the back end of a Friday.

Interesting to note other talk too about competitors' systems, whether or not they are successful, which have regard mainly to trends developing between about 4.00 am and 6.30, in which case I think they would have more clearly had a signal to go Long on this occasion.

Anyway, despite wanting to see FMT's good performance restored on track, I am quite happy to be giving it a rest this week as I believe volume is going to be thin and the market is prone to manipulation which can make mockery of technical analysis.
I'm with Alpari UK also and ea 4,1, today was long signal.

Today was a -65 pips
but I'm quite happy with this configuration, I got 153 pips during the last 4 weeks against the 11 pips I would got by using the standard configuration.

I'm closing the trading till January 10th.
Have a nice weekend, christmas, new year for everybody.
😛arty: :cheers: :drunk:

Yea, I have the same experience. Got 152 pips last 4 weeks and I'm happy! Turning ea's off until Jan 10 as well. Merry Christmas and Happy new year everyone! :cheers:
At starting time, the signal was a NO TRADE on Alpari but it was very near the borderline to be a long trade. I guess it comes down to which broker you use...
I had no signal this morning but it was marginal so well done to those who managed a few pips today.
I had better luck on TMT.

Contrary to most, I shall be trading to the 23 Dec then will take time out until 3 Jan.

Best wishes to all
EA must have dozed off--no signal on live SmartTradeFX (real close call, though). Wide awake was demo VantageFX's EA with long 35 pips TP.
We have had several discussions here about the reliability of signals on a Monday morning. I think it has a lot to do with the window of our indicator measurement trailing back to about 3.30 in the previous day's trading.

I think the problem is how the broker handles the weekend.
This can be clearly seen in this images I already mentioned some time ago.
The momentum for FXCM and Alpari and ATC (Alpari and ATC are identical) is different.



As you can see, that momentum is different (data from Monday). It is interestingly, that one day later the momentum is identical.
Therefore I suggest to check how your broker is calculating the data Monday's.
Just compare the data with Alpari. If there is a difference you might have a problem with the signal.
