ForexMorningTrade System

Simply put, the future tends to repeat the past, but it's no guarantee. And backtesting is easy to mess up, e.g. curve-fitting. That's where you sucker yourself.

What is this resistance? Are you guys drawing lines on charts or is this an indicator?

I drew a horizontal resistance line across the two wicks from the 15:00 and 15:15 candles on the 9th of December. This line was also a support line from earlier on the 9th and resistance late on the 8th
I got 25 pips from FMT today and 60 pips from my own mechanical system. Who said we can't use our own judgement to trade with our own system? Profit will be hard to come by if you only stick to one holy grail EA that some would trust it to be. No Offence here.

Agreed and anyone who saw my post earlier and was able to enter a quick entry order or market order would of had another quck 30/35 pips to the fib extension.

50ema above, 100ema abo200 ema and just separating from each other. Usually indicates strong uptrend for the day.
Be consistant trust in the system. what a rollercoster as one prevous post put it. I think it was better to be asleep on this one. Heartpounding experience. LOL
Hi B,

My post was meant to address whether those of us who manually trade have anything of value to say on this forum. Constantly robot traders question trading ideas, trade judgements and opinions or even styles of manual traders to the point of silencing others, which is rather counterproductive to mutual support with a difficult task.

The great difference with this robot is that we have the manual system at our hands, for a trading pair and time where there are a variety of systems that apply. How great is it that everyone who visits becomes successful in a way that suits each person. and somewhere in this system and these posts is that one extra key to put it all together.

good trading, much success, yahoo there she goes!

Absolutely agree - as was re-iterated amongst the 'flaming' when Mark introduced TMT EA, FMT was originally/is a "<<manual system>> at our hands for which Mark bundled a (free) robot" (rather than vice-versa). So, from that standpoint, those of you that manually trade are the backbone of this forum. For me, EA implements FMT system that I don't know better than, removes my psychology, whilst I learn from people such as you.
Glad to see plenty support for your continuing input.
Stay friendly,
Adamus, I'm using pivot points to calculate the resistence levels. I used to draw them manually but got sick and tired so now I use THV which automatically plots the pivot points, it also gives you trade signals, I'm using these loosely to close TMT trades.

As I said in previous post this is only my second day so I can't really make any recommendations apart from THV is very usefull for pivots / support / resistence etc.
Hoping for this to drop down and bounc off R1 (1.5823) to place a manual long.

Failing that we are hovering round 1.5839, can we get a confirmed breakout?
I drew a horizontal resistance line across the two wicks from the 15:00 and 15:15 candles on the 9th of December. This line was also a support line from earlier on the 9th and resistance late on the 8th

Uh-huh. I see what you mean. I tried coding up something like that once but I couldn't do it. I'm a 100% robot trader so if I can't code it, I can't trade it. But if you works for you, more power to you.

Be consistant trust in the system. what a rollercoster as one prevous post put it. I think it was better to be asleep on this one. Heartpounding experience. LOL

At your leverage, my brain would have melted. I forgot - are you using BE or fixed SL?

Adamus, I'm using pivot points to calculate the resistence levels. I used to draw them manually but got sick and tired so now I use THV which automatically plots the pivot points, it also gives you trade signals, I'm using these loosely to close TMT trades.

As I said in previous post this is only my second day so I can't really make any recommendations apart from THV is very usefull for pivots / support / resistence etc.

Hey, no problem. Didn't want recommendations, just wanted to know what you were talking about. Pivot points are really intriguing. A lot of people say they only work because so many people use them - i.e. they are self-fulfilling. But basically I don't care why they work, I only care if they work - and if I can code them.

By the way are you looking at the daily pivots? I've got R1 at 1.5877 or thereabouts.

I have an indi for NinjaTrader which shows session pivots - Asian, European and North American. V. interesting but haven't had a chance to check it out yet. According to the theory that daily pivots only work because people use them, then session pivots shouldn't work because I don't think many people even heard of them.

But anyway, this is all totally off-topic for FMT - the reason I'm interested is that I'd like to know why FMT works. I mean, is there a fundamental reason for it? Maybe it's in the docs I never read. Tokyo Shift or something.
Well, finally it was to our favor.
+43 pips ... nothing bad for a friday

Yea, finally 🙂 We've been spolied with excellent results and need to have some draw downs from time to time to get back to reality 😉
FMT for me today:

6:00 start , NO Trade

6:30 start, buy trade hit TP=30 (just barely before reverse)

not a great week for FMT... but hey not bad either !!

cheers !
TMT live + 25 pips
tmt demo + 35 pips
both fxdd.

I slept through it all once the trades were entered 🙂
My FMT hit BE on Alpari UK but took profit on Alpari NZ demo... anyway a good week overall.

On your BE, were you set for additional pips? I was hit for BE at Alpari US, but I was set for 3 extra pips. It looked to me like market turned .5 pip about BE at Alpari US on my entry.
TMT live + 25 pips
tmt demo + 35 pips
both fxdd.

I slept through it all once the trades were entered 🙂

Thanks!! Most enlightening. Could you post more results, so we can get a clear picture how REAL money autotrading at fxdd compares to DEMO autotraded results.

I wonder if more broker examples could be posted by people trading via EA - letting the EA trade both accounts -real and demo- at very same broker.

Thanks and a nice weekend for all of you

Man this GU just cannot make up its mind. Prob the most Heart Pounding FMT trade to date.

Actually there was one trade I put on in early November at 6.30am GMT which rattled around all day and didn't close (with TP) until after midnight, nearly 18 hours later. Perhaps those who reset to B/E had an earlier conclusion. I might be right in saying there has also been one trade which I wasn't running which had not closed by the start time of the next day and at that time a new signal was given by FMT in the same trend direction as of the day before.
Heart pounding if you watch what's happening.

I'm starting to feel more confident now that I believe FMT is achieving a certain percentage of winning trades over a long time (say 100 trades) because I am noticing little change in the long term performance. We know that there's a 7 or 8 chance in 10 it will give us a win, and that 3 bad days in a row would be exceptional, so just let the system do its thing. I am also beginning to find the greater agony is waiting for the next opportunity, 24 hours later, rather than worrying about what today's trade is going to do. So long as I have followed the rules there is no point fretting, it's when I act upon impulse that I wonder whether I'm doing the right thing and agonise over the behaviour of price.
Thanks!! Most enlightening. Could you post more results, so we can get a clear picture how REAL money autotrading at fxdd compares to DEMO autotraded results.

I wonder if more broker examples could be posted by people trading via EA - letting the EA trade both accounts -real and demo- at very same broker.

Thanks and a nice weekend for all of you

Yes thanks for your post. My results were different. I am also with FXDD, however, I broke even, but I add 5 pips to B/E on the EA. Oh well still made something, but not the pips you did...congrats😛