ForexMorningTrade System

I wouldn't touch this. If you see, the trades are averaging 10 lots each!

And have you noticed how nearly all of them say
1) I was nearly broke and destitute having lost money on Forex with every other system I'd invested in until I found/invented this one.....

2) there are only 19 copies left now
On Marks blog he wrote,
"25th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.5757
SL: 1.5757
P/L: 0 pips
it seemed we’ll end up in stop loss, then it returned back to profit and at last we were kicked out at BE"
How come he did not get a big minus??
As soon as he goes positive in pips,i.e. 20...does he then set his stop loss to entry level?? Am I understanding this right??
On Marks blog he wrote,
"25th November- SHORT
Entry: 1.5757
SL: 1.5757
P/L: 0 pips
it seemed we’ll end up in stop loss, then it returned back to profit and at last we were kicked out at BE"
How come he did not get a big minus??
As soon as he goes positive in pips,i.e. 20...does he then set his stop loss to entry level?? Am I understanding this right??

Yes. Mark is using 20 I think for BE (maybe 24?). When it hits that it sets BE to entry price (through the EA). You can also set BE Pips to 1or2 pips (or more if you'd like) and take a small profit in the event that price retraces to entry.
Yes. Mark is using 20 I think for BE (maybe 24?). When it hits that it sets BE to entry price (through the EA). You can also set BE Pips to 1or2 pips (or more if you'd like) and take a small profit in the event that price retraces to entry.

Thank you for your reply

Can I do this using Alpari (UK) amd Meta trader 4...??
If so how?
It all has to do with the broker entry/spread. I had BE on, IBFX and eForex. FXDD lost 40 pips.

Forex uses 5 decimal points for $10k and above
IBFX uses 5 decimal points
eForex uses 5 decimal points

FXDD uses 4 decimal points
FXSolutions uses 4 decimal points

I have FXSolutions and lost -40 pips, maybe the decimal points issue is also part of the answer?
-40 today...

A friend of mine (old and very good trader) risk 5% on each trade with FMT.
Is anybody here use this type of aggressive money mangement ?

Thanks !

What you have to consider is this. With a system that has a 70% win rate you have a 1% chance of 8 losing trades in a row. So what this means to you is a possible draw down of 8 trades over a 100 trade period. So in the recommend risk per trade of 2% you could have up to a 16% draw down. With a 5% you would have a 40% drawdown possible. Money management is the key to any system. In my opinion risking 4% or more with this system is agressive. Risking 1% to 3% I believe you will always be there to trade another day when and if the big draw down occurs.
What you have to consider is this. With a system that has a 70% win rate you have a 1% chance of 8 losing trades in a row. So what this means to you is a possible draw down of 8 trades over a 100 trade period. So in the recommend risk per trade of 2% you could have up to a 16% draw down. With a 5% you would have a 40% drawdown possible. Money management is the key to any system. In my opinion risking 4% or more with this system is agressive. Risking 1% to 3% I believe you will always be there to trade another day when and if the big draw down occurs.

Pipzombie. I think I read a couple of pages back that you used to be a trading apprentice. How do you get in to a position like this? What country was this in?
Those still holding are profitable already and may do even better after awhile. I am going to keep holding until it hits tp myself. When we are almost ranging I do this instead of taking constant loses when a reverse usually comes later.
Short trade looming. Not feeling too confident about this one but will trade the system! If todays trade is a loser my losers will outweigh my winners after a month :-(
Please follow my progress .......(

I looked at that link and did not see anything about your trading results. forgive me but I could not read through all the dribble... but why do you keep advertising it here on this forum as your progress? clearly you just want people to follow your journal, but if you want to share your results from trading FMT then please post something relevant that is useful for those of us studying FMT.