You are a wise man Sir.
Yes absolutely brilliant - I wish I had such judgement - hopefully time will improve my efforts.....😀
You are a wise man Sir.
It looks like the caution was justified with most likely to be out by now.
Sometimes the news does override the trend 🙁
It is better to take all the signals. If you pick and choose you will be 50/50 at best. The system is designed with a bias. His backtest and of course forward testing shows that if you consistantly take the signals you will be profitable. When you picka and choose you will miss some winners the same as losers. This is just my opinion and the way I trade this system.
I saw your results, good job so far.
Sometimes you entered 1.50 hour before FMT is it normal?
Very true and my sentiments indeed.
If you don't trade by the system rules then you are not trading this system so do not bother relying on backtesting.
Yes, the extended version begins 30 minutes before FMT.
Today, it's a good thing because Extended was a win :clap: and FMT was a loss. 🙁
Results here.
I don't remember if I announced it or not but I made a small change in the settings of the Extended version. I am now trading with a Break Even of 20.
I had several people ask me about the change so I thought I'd post it here. It's actually a personal preference at the moment. If you do back - tests and find that you like to not use it, that's fine. Either way, I'm sure you will get good results. I'm just playing it less risky by using the BE. I hate to see a trade go to 27 and then reverse for a loss.
Anyway, that's just me. 😉
Hey man, there's something wrong with your results.
Today on my demo account i had a loss of 43 pips with FMT and a gain of 18 pips with your extended not of 34pips like you show in your results.
I've seen that you closed the position +18 but now I see it's +34. Can you explain me why?
Hmmm, not sure what you are referring to. Extended began 30 mins before FMT and took a sell. As you can see the market dove down for a nice 33 or 34 pips.
The only thing I can think of is when the market went to 20 pips, my EA moves the SL to BE and Zulutrade interpreted it to be a stop trade and closed it out.
Did anyone else get around 20 pip profit instead of 33ish? Note that depending on broker, and slippage, things can be off by a couple of pips or so. I see Nite Rider says TP of 34 but I have it set to 33 so probably couldn't get out fast enough when the market was moving fast.
I don't know but my zulu account closed at +18 :|
I don't know but my zulu account closed at +18 :|
It is better to take all the signals. If you pick and choose you will be 50/50 at best. The system is designed with a bias. His backtest and of course forward testing shows that if you consistantly take the signals you will be profitable. When you picka and choose you will miss some winners the same as losers. This is just my opinion and the way I trade this system.
My EA will start 2 hrs before London open and "sweep" the indicators so that if they are not lined up at first, they can within the open time-frame. That is the difference. Also, there are no boundaries on the indicators like FMT. As long as indicator A and B are above X, it takes a buy or below X it takes a sell.
This will only open 1 trade during this open period so no worries on double trades opposite of each other.
Yes, if you have two running, just divide your risk by two.
That is what you will see on my live history.
Hope that helps. 😉
OK, my turn to ask for a copy of your EA. And thanks, tk, for being so helpful.
Did you not read post number 4034 ,just 2 above were you posted your request already outlining this subject?