+40 FMT then +25 on the re-trace switching to 5m TF and using fibo targeting a 50% re-trace.
good work, I did not take the retrace even through there was a great bounce setup off one of my target levels!
I took +42 today, good day too since it's my birthday!! great way to start!
good work, I did not take the retrace even through there was a great bounce setup off one of my target levels!
I took +42 today, good day too since it's my birthday!! great way to start!
Happy Birthday to you!
good work, I did not take the retrace even through there was a great bounce setup off one of my target levels!
I took +42 today, good day too since it's my birthday!! great way to start!
sweet thanks to you and Tena... and to Mark, I am loving forex these days!😍
Can you name some who will accept US clients?
Tk, does your Extended version use BE point sometimes?
your extended work at 6 and 6.30 ; what other difference with normal FMT?
The rules are a little less tight as FMT therefore it takes more trades over a long period of time. FMT is open for just a few minutes a day, correct? If the indicators are not exactly lined up then no trade for the day. Well, what if they were lined up 15 minutes before or 45 minutes after FMT time? This is what the Extended version does, it looks for indicators to line up for a whole 2.5 hrs. If they do during this open period of trading, it will make the trade. Also, no boundaries for the indicators, so if indicator A is showing a buy and indicator B is showing a buy then it will take a buy. That's about all I can say in an open forum. 😉
By the way, I am working on opening our own forum for the Extended version so we can talk more openly about it.
I'll keep you all informed when it is ready. 🙂
I have bought FMT in september and I will follow your forum.
You trade manually or you have modified the EA?
I trade FMT at 6 and 6.30 GMt. My back test show better at 6 GMT