ForexMorningTrade System

should be long trade today, but it's at resistance area. will let this one go and fight another day.

The key to success with this system is to take every trade and not pick and choose. I hope you let the system run today. I have doubted the system many time and most I was wrong. This system trades with a bias and that is the consistant factor. When we interupt that we are changing the system.
For me, this week was quite a nice week. 🙂
My settings are: 40TP-50SL-25BE(+1 pip) and 25TP-50SL-no BE.

Results for this week:
40TP-50SL-25BE: 40, BE, BE, 40, 40 (122 pips in total)
25TP-50SL-no BE: 25, 25, 25, 25, 25 (125 pips in total)

I derived the above settings from my own backtest using my broker's feed data (FxPro).
I will continue to use these settings for the time being.

By the way, when are you guys going to stop trading in December?
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The key to success with this system is to take every trade and not pick and choose. I hope you let the system run today. I have doubted the system many time and most I was wrong. This system trades with a bias and that is the consistant factor. When we interupt that we are changing the system.

I could not agree more

Without worrying about support & resistance, without wondering whether to get out when news is imminent.....

here are the results of the last 50 and 100 traded days - 40SL 35TP and without resetting to break even: In other words enter trade at 6.30 and let it run.

50 days 36 wins
100 days 72 wins (plus 1400 pips!)

Put it another way, if you started with £10000 (or $10000) in early May (that's when the UK election took place and doesnt seem too long ago!), and rolled up your lot size to accept a max 5% risk per trade you'd now have capital of about £ or $ 48000

Seems like a pretty fantastic system!!!!
Hi, has anyone in the uk got any good advice as to which broker to use as i am thinking ig or etx ...i can use meta4 for signals but looking for a good sb company for all round trading...
For me, this week was quite a nice week.

My settings are: 40TP-50SL-25BE(+1 pip) and 25TP-50SL-no BE.

Results for this week:
40TP-50SL-25BE: 40, BE, BE, 40, 40 (122 pips in total)
25TP-50SL-no BE: 25, 25, 25, 25, 25 (125 pips in total)

I derived the above settings from my own backtest using my broker's feed data (FxPro).
I will continue to use these settings for the time being.

By the way, when are you guys going to stop trading in December?

Great results on both your settings, it's been a good week!