Hi I have just found this thread.
I have never used an EA to trade for me.
Once I have done my demo trading to get used to the mechanics does this mean I will be able to leave my desktop on and the EA will do all the work for once the parameters are set up.
I see also that the author has modified the original EA so it would be helpful if i knew all the features of the EA as the sales page does not seem completely up to date. For example does it run a trailing stop, move stop up to BE to lock in profits etc.
Thirdly I was going to use Smart Markets Live as this is the only broker i know that offers MT4 with spreadbetting. Does anyone have experiences of them?
The Ea is very reliable. Data feed from your broker and broker spreads can cause you to get different results short term from other users but it seems to even out over time.
I use 32 TP because I missed a few trades early on by a couple of pips and my broker spread in NZ can sometimes be as high as 4 pips on cable.I use a Vps at the moment because of a couple of internet failures where I live as a result of an earthquake and subsequent aftershocks but I`ll be stopping that at the end of this month. Most trades seem to be done and dusted inside an hour or so and if you like you can watch the action live, I prefer not to.I have looked at Smart Markets because I have a live account at Capital Spreads as well but they don`t have MT4. I like spread betting and you can risk more than you can with an Fx broker. I am trying to work out average draw down with FMT so I could explore the idea of spread betting it with more risk...the break even feature with the Ea may keep drawdown a bit lower.I think Marc`s web page showed one month with 4 or 5 losses in a row so you have to be careful, however I have been live for 3 months and have been in profit every month. I have applied for a demo account with Smart Markets today ( my time ) and will wait for them to get back to me Good luck with this and don`t muck around too long on demo..trade conservatively on a micro account and keep reading this thread, there are a lot of wise traders on here . This system is a beauty at the moment and I bought it wanting 100 pips a month. It`s doing better than that....👍
Thanks Jones.
I have basis MT4 indys before but more used to trading price action so using an EA is a big leap for me.
Agree with all your points and whole point is for the EA to do the work and take the emotion out of trading.
Will be interesting if my discretionary PA method will help confirm the trades taken by the EA.
I have a pretty good internet connection here as the line tests have confirmed and about to switch to BT Affinity so hopefully np. Does SML offer VPS?
Yes, agree will move to live micro accounts once ive got my head around it all