ForexMorningTrade System

yes i checked all and all settings seem correct and actually all are default so i don't know what's happening and no messages... maybe i'll just start a brand new chart.

Did you tick the box to allow live trading in the ea properties?
yes i checked all and all settings seem correct and actually all are default so i don't know what's happening and no messages... maybe i'll just start a brand new chart.

Getbusy, put the ea on a DEMO 5min chart with your broker using your current balance, and change the time settings every 5 mins and any other variables until you see a trade. You may need to adjust the risk settings.
The smile face there on your chart?

yes, big smile on the chart and live trading and all the rest is ticked correctly... i just set up a new chart and will see what happens with this one.... oh well, one good thing is i had a good day earlier in the ny to make up for the no trade tonight.

Appreciate all for the help.
Getbusy, put the ea on a DEMO 5min chart with your broker using your current balance, and change the time settings every 5 mins and any other variables until you see a trade. You may need to adjust the risk settings.

the one thing i did change from the default settings on the one that didn't work tonight was set MM to false... so when setting up the newest chart i kept it on true... other than that it's all default so we'll see what happens this time.
Break Even stop out. Doh! 😱
Bank of England rate decision out in a few hours, so it may just consolidate for a while anyway.