ForexMorningTrade System

I'm out with a 10 pip loss. It's 4:30 a.m. where I am and things are looking pretty scare. I wish you all the best on this trade. Maybe the 40 pip stop loss will hold.

Catch you tomorrow.
Don't worry too much yet. USDX is still going down but it is approaching resistance.:clover:
Out with -40. This is the 2nd trade this system has taken at the top of this range from last week, and up against resistance. I would have preferred a short today.

Not sure why there is alot of traders who are posting on here but do not trade the system, that is those who do not follow the rules and get out early. Its a mechanical system, and has been backtested on those rules. Your trading is discretionary.

If you are scared to trade the system, see a small drawdown or take a loss then dont trade.