ForexMorningTrade System

Took the long trade but at greatly reduced lot size. Want to see how FMT handles event risk. Good luck to all 🙂
Nationwide HPI came in worse than expected at -.7% but does not appear to be sharply affecting the market. Not like some of the reports do anyway.
+24 hit. Free trade now. Moved sl to BE. Off to bed. looks like it may retrace and stop me out at BE. No loss = winning day.
Stop moved to BE. Another Free Trade!!!

Same here 🙂 Gotta love those! Now let's wait for TP 😀
Got in a bit late at 157.065 I could see it faltering so I went to BE even though was only up 20 pips from my entry.

I figured because I got a bad fill would ignore that.

Trade still might win buy decided to okay safe.
Two hours within a trading range of 12 pips makes this hard to call even if indi1 makes it
I was a bit suspicious after the good run up in the previous 12 hours and the flattenning out just before the trade time. Then the wobble started so I came in with a closer stop.
I note that the standard 40 pip SL has been hit for most.
Small loss.🙁
mine -40 !! my EA didn't move SL to BE.

Well, that was because the trade opened @ 1.5806 ..... and the high was 1.5828, so it was 2 pips away from 24 pips. In this case do i have to change the BE from 24 to 22 ?