ForexMorningTrade System


Hey guys im not living in US but did stumble accross some guys in another chat room talking and someone suggested

They are broker in New Zealand. Check them out but i cant give any details as i dont know much about them. Just heard some US guys chatting about them.
Re: Brokers.

Hey guys im not living in US but did stumble accross some guys in another chat room talking and someone suggested

They are broker in New Zealand. Check them out but i cant give any details as i dont know much about them. Just heard some US guys chatting about them.

Thanks Jash...appreciate the info.

Anyone help me with this? Had to enter manually as ea didn't trigger. I have these messages for ea, can anyone tell me what they mean.

2010.10.15 06:30:06 ForexMorningTrade_EA GBPUSDSB,M15: Trade context is busy! Wait until it is free...

2010.10.15 06:30:36 ForexMorningTrade_EA GBPUSDSB,M15: The waiting limit exceeded (30 ???.)!

I'm afraid I'm not used to using ea's 😕 so any help appreciated.
Another 40 pips in the bag..
The trade started at the beginning of the FMT blue column and took profit at the end of the blue column!!
Is it a magic trick done by MARC???
Perfect trade marc.. kudos to u..
hope everyday comes like this😉
have a nice weekend guys!!
Guys other than the early start (for UK dudes) anyone dislike this?? Been following and it seems to have a decent record. Thanks
Bango. Back to sleep. It's 4 a.m. in EST. After the last two weeks, I'm tempted to just let the EA do its thing while I sleep.
Great system!
Anyone help me with this? Had to enter manually as ea didn't trigger. I have these messages for ea, can anyone tell me what they mean.

2010.10.15 06:30:06 ForexMorningTrade_EA GBPUSDSB,M15: Trade context is busy! Wait until it is free...

2010.10.15 06:30:36 ForexMorningTrade_EA GBPUSDSB,M15: The waiting limit exceeded (30 ???.)!

I'm afraid I'm not used to using ea's 😕 so any help appreciated.

Not that I'm an expert, but
I think that means the brokers server was busy and your trade couldn't get through.
Usually happens when the broker is hit with a large number of trades at the same time.
Looks like it kept trying for 30 sec and timed out (which is probably a server side setting)

Well, I got this message, when one day I attached the EA onto TWO identical charts. The first trade went perfectly, the second chart just showed the message.


Not that I'm an expert, but
I think that means the brokers server was busy and your trade couldn't get through.
Usually happens when the broker is hit with a large number of trades at the same time.
Looks like it kept trying for 30 sec and timed out (which is probably a server side setting)


Thanks for that. If it continues I may have to change broker.
I am really getting to love this system . It is not a get rich overnight system which is fine by me. I have been using it for about three weeks now and my account is growing nicely. Hope it keeps up . Typical of my luck this week I changed my TP to 30 pips and the original 40 was hit. Not going to complain as no losses this week is awesome . Also really great forum here with lots of smart and helpful people. This should be a fun ride !! Thanks Marc !!
30 pips hit on GU
I manually closed the GJ trade for+8 pips b/c I chickened out lol 🙂

Everyine have a great weekend :cheesy:

I chickened out GJ trade too at +9 pips , haha. Not comfortable as it's taking the opposite trade of GBPUSD. It should reach SL by now if still hanging on, think this system is NOT OPTIMIZE for GJ and Marc don't recommend it either.
Yes ! ..another TP=30 hit !

and another profitable week !

you gotta love this EA and system ..brilliant !
My entry was 1.6011 and exit with 30 TP. I am going to stick with the 30 tp and 40 SL to avoid bad slippage. Congrats to all who closed their trades with profits. 🙂
I chickened out GJ trade too at +9 pips , haha. Not comfortable as it's taking the opposite trade of GBPUSD. It should reach SL by now if still hanging on, think this system is NOT OPTIMIZE for GJ and Marc don't recommend it either.

aheart congratulations on the 9 pips. I think you're right about the GJ. It alsotends to have its own volatile swings

just got here.
thousands of posts, hundreds of pages.
i only want to read the good posts. can someone direct me to the good posts?

better yet, is there a movie of this thread?