ForexMorningTrade System

Hello eveyrone. My name is Clint and I reside in New Zealand. I won't say good morning because it is 9.00pm at night here in NZ. Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself and say this is my first live trade using Marc's system and yes I am very pleased having a 30 pip TP. Cheers everyone. KiwiClint
ok thats fine.

only 38 pips , coz I'm late in 2 pips, but thats are ok :clap:

thanks to the author of the sys 👍

so we can relax for the day, I will go to the beach, see you all there 😎
Hello eveyrone. My name is Clint and I reside in New Zealand. I won't say good morning because it is 9.00pm at night here in NZ. Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself and say this is my first live trade using Marc's system and yes I am very pleased having a 30 pip TP. Cheers everyone. KiwiClint

Great start Clint!
See you tomorrow.👍
Hello eveyrone. My name is Clint and I reside in New Zealand. I won't say good morning because it is 9.00pm at night here in NZ. Anyway I just wanted to introduce myself and say this is my first live trade using Marc's system and yes I am very pleased having a 30 pip TP. Cheers everyone. KiwiClint

Welcome Clint. Great way to start off with the system!👍
Hi Mario, I'm back from a trip and had 2 no trade days! good timing to be away.

Hi Blue,im back at work now so i miss all our chatting,quickly sneaked out for lunch came home(had to see how trade went)all good take care speak soon or early morning
31 pips on 2 accounts. Had to close manually. My TP was set at 30 pips. Trade was up to 35 pips, +5 past the TP. Don't know why TP didn't kick in.
Hey Mark & Friends!
I got a questions for you guys. Hope somebody can help me out. I have been using this system on ODL live account, and it worked fine. A few days ago I opened an ECN account with ATC Brokers, which has lower fees. I set up the robot as I did before and there should not be any mistakes. I saw the smilling face and everything. But the robot didn't run last night. There was a error message showing up: ERR_TRADE_DISABLED 133 Trade is disabled. I did some research online and some people say that's because the broker doesn't support EA. But I talked to the broker before the account was opened and pretty sure that they Do support EA. So could anybody shed some light on this issue? I appreciate it!

Talk to ATC Brokers live support. Some brokers require you to fill in a form and sign it to have EA trading enabled on your account.
this morning I skip, there is to much resistance quad top, 1.60 , R1, daily average is 145 and go already 88.
so I decide to make a holiday day
