ForexMorningTrade System

wow! What a week to have a bad back and not be able to get up in time!! The other system wasn't so a mixed bag of misses!!
I stuck to the system and finished the week with 80 pips which is awesome. An average of 40 pips a week keeps Alps smiling hahaha. Time to plan the weekend.
Buy the system!!!!

I agree. seriously this is one of the best EAs and group trading support for an EA that I have found for only $100. .... best thing to do is buy it, read the manual twice and read over the posts here, and then find a comfortable way to trade it, live or auto.

I'm doing way better with this system and group than a few others where I paid $50-$90 every month, even one with 2 master traders sending signals. Simple repeatable, with not alot of noise to screw up my decisions.

Thanks to Mark and to Russ Horn for informing me about it!
I stuck to the system and finished the week with 80 pips which is awesome. An average of 40 pips a week keeps Alps smiling hahaha. Time to plan the weekend.

Im with you on sticking to the system. Stress free and just take what the market gives.
Thats 4% growth for the week. Not bad at all.
Im with you on sticking to the system. Stress free and just take what the market gives.
Thats 4% growth for the week. Not bad at all.

Can you not read?

Remove your previous post on rules as you were asked 👎

If you can't trade live, why not try the EA?

yeah looks as if i might have to, lying in bed longer was great (pain free)..could imagine that more often. Being a creature of habit, I will have to get out of my comfort zone. It sounds as if it might not be reliable, how have you found it? maybe those are the rare exceptions?
yeah looks as if i might have to, lying in bed longer was great (pain free)..could imagine that more often. Being a creature of habit, I will have to get out of my comfort zone. It sounds as if it might not be reliable, how have you found it? maybe those are the rare exceptions?

you could click on my name to see all my other posts where I discuss what you ask. off to bed now in beautiful BC!
I can't yet decide which setting I should use, TP40 or TP30..
I did some backtest using my broker's raw feed data.
Backtest on recent a couple of months shows that TP30 performs better, but in a longer term (e.g. 6 months) TP40 is better. :|

Anyway, I'm completely satisfied with the results I got so far. 😀
I think I will continue to use the both settings for the next week.
Hi Guys - 283 page thread - been reading since 6.30am and up to pg106. So far all looks +ve - does anyone have a bad word to say? Thanks