ForexMorningTrade System

I closed at GU at 30 pips, but I also took a sell on the eur usd at 1.3756, there is room for a bigger drop on both pairs, we'll see.... glad to share the trade with you guys.
Hi Mark, Have you tested the system using a stop of say 20 pips? and why the 40 pip stop and 40 pip target?

yes, I tested various settings, and 40/40 came out as the best in the long term.
It is not a holy grail though, I know some people use 35 pips SL/PT.
20 pips would be too tight in my opinion
yes, I tested various settings, and 40/40 came out as the best in the long term.
It is not a holy grail though, I know some people use 35 pips SL/PT.
20 pips would be too tight in my opinion

Thanks for the response. Just looking at getting a better risk reward that 1:1
Hi Mark,

I see here that you have changed your strategy to now moving SL to BE at +24pips. Did you make this decision based on the results for September only or is it true that moving SL to BE would provide many many pips in the lng term. Has there been any backtesting done on the difference in perofrmance by using SL 40 and TP 40 and no breakevens and usng the breakeven at +24?

Secondly since I dont trade with MT4 the EA is of no use to me. can someone please nexplain to me how I can set up an alert so that when price is at +24 my computer bleeps so that I dont have to stare at the computer.

+40 hit today by the way.


OOps...just realized you don't use mt4, my bad.
Which charts do you use?
(i will leave the mq4 may be of some use to the rest of you).