e/u long 3724 s/l 3670
1/2 off at +35 stop to B/E
e/u long 3724 s/l 3670
stop moved to 37441/2 off at +35 stop to B/E
exit 2nd half for +57stop moved to 3744
stopped out -20 again on the euro its having a laugh with me this week
i should have taken the advice of the article, if the stock markets are crashing and no sign of people moving to dollar then something has changed in the world
x2great stuff ddi and rooster:clap:👍
short e/u 3735 s/l 3774
cheers mate...we all have good and bad runs....trying my best to be consistently profitable, ignoring bad trades...hope to get the hang of it!great stuff ddi and rooster:clap:👍
stopped out -45x2swissy long @9338 stop 9293 triple bottom on the 4 hour at around the 9300 level.......
out 11250 for +35short eurjpy 11285, stop 11305
order to open long GU 16205
stop 40 away - may close it before
Interesting take on yesterday, remeber i was wondering what was driving up the euro all day? perhaps this was it
The Holiday-shortened week started off with Tuesday’s drop. The sell-off followed on the heels of Monday’s Globex-only session. The Dow Jones closed down 1.44%, S&P 500 closed down 2.05%, and the Nasdaq was slammed 2.74%.
On the flip side oil was up nearly 10% since its last regular session. Gold and silver were also up substantially.
What was rather surprising, however, was the old “flight to quality” standby: the US dollar. It never caught a bid! With so much global uncertainty and a strong sell-off in equities, there is usually a strong “flight to quality” bid in the US dollar. I checked the currencies several times Tuesday and was surprised each time that it was so slow.
The CIO of Pimco was also surprised and said on Bloomberg today, “It is a warning shot to America that we cannot simply assume flight to quality, flight to safety. That people are starting to worry about the fiscal situation in the U.S., worrying about the level of debt and what they're hearing about states and municipalities. I would take this as a warning shot that we cannot assume that we will maintain the standing of the reserve currency as we have in the past.”