Great work seems to be done by all.
Ive decided to take a rest from posting my trades for a short while as the last couple of weeks my calls on the thread have not been going my way. Losers are not a problem and Im not far behing for April, but Ive spent ages going over my last few months trades on here and saw that when I started I was extremely accurate and gave some great calls and made a shed load. However the last couple of weeks thats not been the case so I had to find out why.
In simple terms I was only calling an average of 2 trades a day when I started and 5 a day recently.It doesnt take a genius to work out why:smart: The thread was making me want to post trades. As this provides me with a major part of my income for my family,lady flash was not amused with the takings for April. Weve gone from steak and caviar to fish and chips(peasant food) I guess i was trying to be flash by name.When I am sure that I can call my trades the way I use to on the thread, then I will post again. Hopefully that wont be too long.
It doesnt take much to put you off track in this game.
Posting on this thread gave me much improved accuracy so its my plan to return asap once my head is straight and I sure I am only posting the trades that I would normally trade and that the thread isnt forcing me to make trades I wouldnt normally.
Hope you all have a great bank holiday weekend.