Forex MegaDroid

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Just got mine and it took less than 24 hours to get my money back from Clickbank, however I did have to request it directly from them as Megadroid's support department ignored my requests.

Now it comes up with a message saying it won't work because my purchase has been refunded. 😢
Now it comes up with a message saying it won't work because my purchase has been refunded. 😢

For anyone interested my backtest on Alpari managed to get from 01.01.09 to 12.01.09 before my refund stopped the EA working. The results for this partial backtest can be found here:-

Strategy Tester: MegaDroid

Sorry but I will now be unable to do any further backtesting on Megadroid.
Just gathering the relevant information first. Don't want to misunderstand what's going on here.

Ok - here's my constructive criticism;

1) There's no such thing as free money when it comes to trading.
2) If you don't understand how a system is generating it's signals, you won't understand under what conditions it will perform well, and under what conditions it will perform badly.
3) If you don't understand these things, then the rapidly changing nature of trading conditions these days in FX means that you risk blowing yourself out of the water when something happens that doesn't fit the world reality that you can imagine.
4) If a system is black box it by nature also isn't optimised to your individl tolerance for risk etc.
5) Unless you have detailed first hand test experience of a system you cannot know what sort of performance is within acceptable tolerance, and what sort of performance should set alarm bells ringing. Is 10 consecutive losers fine? is 20? What is the expectancy of the system? Sharpe Ratio? Any sort of risk adjusted return measure? The reason I came down so hard on the person who said that 'any profit is a good one' is because it really really isn't true. Unless you know what you were risking to make that money then you can't say that it's a good profit. And that doesnt even mention time taken to achieve it. Remember - your capital isn't infinite, so if you have enough capital to trade a cretain position size and / or a certain number of different positions it's no good tying up a chunk of that on a trade that's happy taking profit of 7 pips, risking 50, right 70% of the time for example. So you need to know what the expectancy is. So I fully stand by that earlier comment.
6) The simple fact is that the person who will make the most money off a system like this is the person selling it, NOT buying it.
7) This is a classic thread for this type of aggressively virally marketed system. And what that means is that, while some of the posters in it may be genuine users of the system trying to learn how it works, most of you here are simply plants, acting like newbies in order to generate internet traffic attracting people to the product. It happens so many times that you just get to know what it looks like.

So my constructive advice to the few GENUINE people on this thread is don't part with a penny of cash for something you don't understand fully. Sure, I don't understand every last detail about how my car works, but that is a function of the amount of time I xhoose to spend learning that stuff (which in turn is a function of the cost / time dynamics of what my job pays vs my servicing bills from my usually excellent local mechanics etc etc). But in the case of a black box system that info simply isn't open to you, so you're buying totally blind.

That's my $0.02 - can't say it wasn't constructive, it's just telling all of you (both the scammers here and anyone genuine) stuff you don't wanna hear - there really isn't a black box holy grail.


Thanks for your detailed post Gammer.

Just because the 'black box holy grail' doesn't exit, it won't stop people for searching for it. There will always be people selling 'get rich quick schemes' and there will always be people ready to believe the hype and buy them.

The problems with forums like T2W is that you can never really tell who are the genuine traders and who are the spammers. For all I know you may have a vendetta against the two actors (sorry I meant experienced traders) who appear on the video interview on forex megadroids website.

I'll give you benefit of the doubt though, just this once.🙂
Thanks. I can assure you that I have never met them, and never even heard of them till this thread. And while you have no actual proof that I am who my profile says I am either, if you search my posts I think you'll find enough stuff there that points to the fact that I do work where I say I do.

So whether you choose to believe me whan I say that this is all bogus or not is totally up to you. But rest assured that my reservations about this system have absolutely zero to do with the particular individuals involved. It's just all a big scam aimed at getting the gullible to part with their cash because they think that it's the key to a better life. And sometimes I couldn't give a sh*t about other people, but sometimes I could.

Depends on all sorts of random factors whether I actually do anything about it. But scams like this, and the hype and viral publicity surrounding them are like Japanese Knotweed - you can chop it down all you like, but it's just gonna spring back up sooner rather than later.

Gammer, I was joking! You will be able to see (from my previous posts) that I have also been quite vocal about my thoughts on megadroid being a scam.

I am keen on raising awareness of this type of scam, but I come from the school of giving it a go first and trying to test it before condeming anything that comes onto the market as a scam just because it has a resemblence to a previous scam.

You have to admit that a number of the posts you have made on this and other threads have been a little condescending so it's hardly suprising some of the members react to you the way they do.

For the record I believe that you are who you claim to be and I have read quite a lot of your posts on these forums and your contributions to other parts of the T2W website. Your knowledge and insight is usually very helpful and I for one respect and value your input when it is constructive rather than dismissive.
Or just maybe they just use this site to take the p1ss as a rather amusing aside from what can be a terribly boring trading day.


Don't take yourself so fu*king seriously pal.
I am 100% sure I come across as condescending at times, but I am equally 100% sure that many people on this site post stuff that is just totally retarded. Not because they are inexperienced (no shame in that whatsoever - everyone has to start somewhere) but because they are just idiots. Or Lazy. Or blindly greedy. Or usually varying shades of all three. So when I've taken time to type a response to something like (for example) why being simultaneously long and short eurusd means you are FLAT, not 'hedged', and they keep on insisting that they are magically doing something different, then yes I tend to become condescending.

But equally I try where I have the time to go out of my way to help when people ask sensible questions and want sensible answers. Lots of this is via PM by the way. All sorts of stuff.

But having been around here for a while I think I have at least earned the right to call a muppet a muppet. ;-)

The problem is Gammer that sometimes your statements (like the one about everyone on this thread being a loser) just makes people determined not to listen to you and that's a great shame because a lot of what you say makes a lot of sense and is very helpful.

If you temper your comments about your perception of the intelligence of other forum members, perhaps your views will be more widely listened to and accepted.
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Stu, I thought you were half f*ucking intelligent.

Please take 5 minutes to learn how to spell LOSER
Why would anyone listen to what any so called advisor has to say anyway.

What are their frigging qualifiacations apart from being prats or pikeys ?

Some of them are downright f*cking insulting and they get away with it.
Stu, I thought you were half f*ucking intelligent.

Please take 5 minutes to learn how to spell LOSER

Incidentally is f*ucking really a way to prevent anyone taking offence, I thought the asterisk was meant to replace the letters rather than just be put between them!

I may be only half intelligent, but I know that

i think you are all missing the point on this fantastic robot.

do the creators of this supurb robot not claim that it can see into the future?

how could anyone lose money???????

why do they have losses on there demo accounts??????????
I can tell you if you promise to send £ 69.99 plus p&p to my Paypal account.

hey maybe we have something here and we should team up. starter for ten including begining of sales spiel, ok kinda nicked oops borrowed from somewhere else but hey if it works for them why

what can we call it????????

"mega lottery droid"
using our unique patented method CBG "crystal ball gazing"

how often in the past have you needed that second like minded person to bring together and illuminate that bright idea. as they always say two heads are better than one

we could also hold an online wedinar, sit and watch how many join, then claim server issues and cancel it

we can then work out how much to charge based on the total number of webinar hits - say 20%, decide how much we want to make and hey we have our selling price.

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