I continue hopeful. However, with this rate of trades and the average winning in pips per trade per day I wonder how this robot could reach the winning percentage obtained this year alone, according to their sales letter. Another HYPE? But on video they said it was not HYPE at all. Well, we will see.....🙁
I've just received an e-mail from them
😆 :-
* * * * * * * IMPORTANT * * * * * * *
After literally hundreds of support tickets on this subject, we have
decided to try and short-circuit the issue and simplify the process of
Due to the many variations in broker-end settings (server time offset,
trading times, differences in pricing and spread) coupled with the fact
that some brokers implement Daylight Saving in actual trading but do
not always apply it to their back-test data, users have experienced a
lot of confusion and frustration while attempting to produce reasonable
We are therefore requesting that all users follow the instructions in the
manual to download and install MetaTrader from the ForexMeta website
for back-testing purposes.
This does not in any way affect your choice of broker for forward-testing
or live-trading but will provide a consistent environment for users to
confirm performance figures.
As mentioned in an earlier update, the correct GmtOffset value for the
ForexMeta version of MetaTrader is "+3".
Albert, John and the MegaDroid Team
I'll try a back test on Forex Meta and now and report back.