Forex knowledge and live trading journal

Aliasentric - I wish you well for 2014 - just watch your stake sizes and keep on posting - and Good Luck


Aliasentric - I wish you well for 2014 - just watch your stake sizes and keep on posting - and Good Luck



well we know that from experience Forexmos, that putting more than 1% of your capital on a trade can cause adverse emotions. Once you up your size to something meaningful this is when the emotions start to take hold and hence why anyone putting on 20% of their account into a single trade will not last long. You cant trade consistently strapped into a roller coaster, better to find somewhere quiet where risks are controlled :whistling

the reasons people take too many risks are numerous. a few of them are:

(i) they like the rush
(ii) they enjoy gambling
(iii) they dont have enough starting capital / other means of paying their bills

funnily enough these are things you can only know by looking inward and with experience/situational awareness.

I could go on.................
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Trade management update 44% loss for the week. Not a good follow-up to last week's 66% gain. So, now in recovery mode, and learning from mistakes... that top 5 traders in the world spot A ......good trading

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Summary of the past 11 weeks.
9 out of 11 weeks were profitable.
Average weekly gain in spite of the 2 bad weeks is 10%

The encouraging part of all this, is my 2 bad weeks were avoidable. So, I'm working to correct my mistakes by re-establishing discipline and patience. I still believe a 60% average weekly gain is attainable. But even if I only average 10% a week, as it currently stands, I could live with that. However, it is so easy to see how I can improve, so we'll see how it goes. So far, so good...
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