Fixed odds trading blue prints


This information can turn your financial life in around in few days
I believe you have open your betonmarket .


What is Fixed Odds Trading?

Fixed Odds trading allow you to trade or bet on price movements, much like those in spread betting), but the key difference is that you have a managed loss or profit. Fixed Odds Trading is safer and what's more it is easier to open an account with a Fixed Odds Trading Bookmaker and you need even less money to open an account. You can open one with just $5.

Can I Make Money with Fixed Odds Trading?

Absolutely. The only complex part of Fixed Odds Trading, is deciding the market direction. Some people prefer the fact of knowing how much they can profit from each trade, or indeed lose should that trade not go in their favour.

What is the Difference Between Spreads & Fixed Odds?

Trading the Spread is where you can make a possible endless profit or loss, which can be locked in with a Stop Loss order - you trade £10 per point, for each point up or down you make or loss money per point. Depending if you traded Long or Short. Spread betting is more volatile than Fixed Odds. Spread betting could be said to have gearing and leverage to its power.

Fixed Odds are different. You stipulate how much you wish to win and you are then presented with a trade/bet price based on that value. If the trade you make goes in your favour, you win that amount, if it doesn't you lose the amount it cost you to open the trade. Fixed Odds don't rely on gearing for profit. You have a FIXED profit and cost to open that trade. You decide how much you want to risk, and by how much you want to win.

How to Trade in Fixed Odds:

Now we have answered your questions, I'd like to explain how the trading in Fixed Odds works. The terminology is different to that of spread betting, but that is where the differences remain. From having read all about spread betting, you will fully grasp the rest - so I won't teach you to 'suck eggs'.

Getting Started
Open an account at BetOnMarkets - The best odds, the best trades

Now login to your account at BetOnMarkets - The best odds, the best trades ,when you login you will see various types of bets viz
• TOUCH BET and others just click on flash bet. From there you will be taken to another another page where you will see run bet on the top of the page just click on it and you will be taken to the trading platform
Run bet system is my powerful money making tools that I used to make a lot of money from betonmarket. Am giving this system free of charge to you in other to help you to make money like me from betonmarket,if you follow the guide you will be make money daily online like me..

Now what is this “Run Bet” trading all about?

Run bet is a form of trading that allows you to place trade on short market movement in form of ticks.That is the duration of trade is less than 20 secs.You make money in seconds.
In Run Bet, you have an opportunity to make 10%,100%,1000% of your money depending on the trade you are taking .But I am going to reveal to you the 100% profits I really want you make a lot of money before the end of this year………
Under Runbet platfrom,there are three specific trade you can take they include :

RUN BET UP/DOWN, here you make 100% return of your stake
In run bet up and down you predict if the market will go up or down after 5 ticks.You have opportunity to choose your stake which can be as low as $1. You also choose the type of market you which to trade from .I suggest you choose GREAT BRITAIN POUNDS and JAPENESE YEN as your currency pair i.e (GBP/JPY)


The best time to trade is in the morning 7am-10am or evening 5pm-7pm don’t trade in the noon time

And before ensure that you are using a very fast internet connection

• Open BetOnMarkets - The best odds, the best trades
• If you have not open an account kindly do, note you have to open a virtual account and a live account, they most have different data (email and others)

• Login to your virtual account and live account
• Click on start betting
• Click run bets at the buttom of the window

• In your virtual account enter a specific amount and choose gbp/jpy and click on go
• Where is end in virtual is where to go in your live account i.e if you won in virtual when you place up that is the direction to go in your live account,but you most ensure that you have set you trade in your live account before you place a trade in virtual.


If I staked $1, using this system, if I loose I double my stake and trade again.Now I will be staking $2 if I loose I double my stake and put $4 If you follow this stop loss guide you can never loose your money.Immediately you won you have to back to your minimum stake i.e $1 and start the process again.

That is: first bet $1, second bet $2 third $4 fourth $10….My stop loss here is ….adding all=$17.
Am not saying you should stop here but am sure you understand what am saying you can continue if you have the money.

Here is another example of a stop loss: $1…..$3….$7….$15….$$136 and remember this gives you 100 % return on your investment is less than 30 sec
To get the best out this system it is advicable to open a forex trading platform to know the direction of the various currency, I use lite forex, you can download their trading terminal at LiteForex: Forex market services, Miniforex, Microforex, Liteforex ..

You can fund your betonmarket account through various means viz:
Gift certificate
Money bookers
Visa Card

Gift Certificate

This means of payment is not that popular in Nigeria,if you want to fund you betonmarket through gift certificate you can contact me . Minimum deposit for gift certificate is $5 but I will advice you start with at least $100

Visa Card

You can get this from from Zenith bank for just $120 only
Minimum deposit
The minimum deposit here is $10 but remember you have to get you have to get you get for $120

How to fund your account?
• Click on cashier
• Click deposit
• Choose means of payment
• Enter amount to deposit
• Click ok

I can also help you to fund your account just call me on 07041477166

Having problem with this guide you can call me for one on one training online or offline..07041477166 or email [email protected]

How much do you think this guide worth? May be #5000 or #10,000 but I have decide to give to for free…Will you buy me a drink?

If yes…………
Just pay any amount to the account below

Oceanic Bank International
Odede Matthew

Complete Fixed Odds Trading Guide
Download complete fixed odds guide,the package include the following:
• Runbet Guide part 2: How to make 1000% return on your investment in few seconds,this run bet guide will amaze you.
• Flash up and down strategy: Most people are afraid of flash up and down but as the polpular saying goes “one man’s food another ones poison” I have use this strategy and it works
• No Touch Bet Guide: This a the most free risk guide on betonmarket
• Trading The News: You can use the news to trade on betonmarket..
Download this four amazing system now.

Am giving it out to just 10 people at the rate of #10,000 after which it will go back to its initial price of #20,000 ..
To order pay the sum of #10,000 into my bank account

Oceanic Bank International

Odede Matthew


After payment send an email to [email protected] with paid as subject or call 07041477166

Thanks God Bless
Odede Matthew
nice concpet but the issue is with the moneymangement. Stopping at £17 means for every loss you need to win 17 single £1 trades. Martingales pretty much only work if you can go beyond the estimated worst case scenario but not sure you can 4 trades against you in this game "worst case".

It would only take an impulsive 1 or 5 min bar for there to be more than 4 against you.

If you have any more concpets you want to share out there for the general public ..drop me an email at [email protected]. I am currently looking at the flash bet stuff and am always looking for articles to share with my readers.